I hated Emma

The other character I hate is Emma.
Her speech on the stage, ''Everyone you meet, everyone is a criminal to be hounded and accused, why don't you accuse me, why don't you say I went to bed with him, is that what you want to hear''...............

If I was Abberline, Id have pushed her across the stage, slammed her into the wall and showed her Mary Kelly's photo of her ripped apart. Then Id have shouted to Emma ''See this girl, this is what I'm looking for, a killer who rips people apart like this. I don't give a flying *beep* if you slept with Mansfield, you go be a slag, all im concerned with is finding the bastard who did this!!!!

So excuse me you complete selfish bitch, if Im not a little bit upset and pissed off ok. Go, go on then go run after him like the slut you are and I hope your his next victim!!

