MovieChat Forums > Jack the Ripper (1988) Discussion > This is proof mini-series can be as good...

This is proof mini-series can be as good as films.

I like this version of the Jack the Ripper story because it shows that some mini-series can be just as good as a movie. The characters (with the exception of Emma Prentiss)are likeable, you feel sorry for the victims, and indeed for Abberline and Godley who are working hard to solve the case.

The set is very good, as is the music. The costumes are great and up to a Hollywood standard. The part where Richard Mansfield changes into Mr Hyde in the theatre was excellent especially by a 1988 standard.

I'd highly reccomend this show as something that is watchable, enjoyable and of a high, decent quality.

Now, if only I could find Jekyll and Hyde on DVD...........SIGH.


I agree. And the mini series format allowed for a longer tale than we otherwise might of got had it just been a regular feature.


Well said. I think that it doesnt' have to be 'rushed' in a mini-series. This production is as good as anything I've seen as a cinematic release.


This had glamour and glitter but also a bit cheesy.

Its that man again!!


Between this, Lonesome Dove, and Winds of War/War and Remembrance, I'd agree with you.

Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.
