Does anyone have the DVD

I got the DVD for x-mas and I have to say it's one of the damn finest documentaries about the greatest man who ever lived. Anyone agree?

We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Is *that* fine?- Mirror Ash, Evil Dead 2


No but I loved it. It was truly one of the most heartfelt and touching shows I've ever watched. I've got a question and I'm hoping you can answer. There is a song played throughout it, and I thought it was called Love you love me, or Love me Love you. I know they show the name of it during the closing credits, and who wrote it. (I believe both John and Paul wrote it, but I'm not sure) I've searched every Beatles and every John Lennon site looking for the exact name of the song, and what album it came from but I'm having absolutly no luck. If you could help me out, I would be most grateful.



When is it heard in the film?


I had the VHS years ago after the movie was released, it took me forever to find it. I have the DVD too. Over the years of watching it on VHS so much the poor tape was playing a bit rough, that and I pretty much replaced all my VHS movies with DVD.


I have it and love it!!!!


I own it and I cried when I saw it. But I still love it!

"Do you follow me?"
"Well stop following me or I'll have you arrested!"
