
Who do I have to kill to get a hold of this movie?!?!?


Us swedes i guess :D.

But the newly released versions of The raven flies, and The shadow of the raven holds quite poor image and only have nordic subtitles... I was told somewhere that a new release was planned with a remastered picture and sound with international subtitles somewhere next summer... Though it's just rumors as far as i know.




Yeah i've got a keen interest in the norse tales, im Swedish and partly Norwegian after all ;) and spent 15 years studying our history.. Well anyway, this is an old as hell thread now. But just in case you pop by again, i can recommend that you check out Hvíti víkingurinn. Though i hardly think you'll find it, i have a tough time with it myself and havent seen it since i was a boy. But as i recall it was great.

Cheers from Sweden ;)


*beep* guys...this movie sucks big time...so please do not kill anyone to get a hold of it...


I am hoping that Hrafn's films will become available on DVD
in America. I have an interest in Viking lore, history and
mythology,so I was wondering if those of you who the study
the culture find these films enjoyable and authentic. Thanks
for any helpful comments. I understand they have a sort of
cowboy and samurai grit to them. Is this true ?


I'm pretty mad about this, cause I think it deserves a better release.
I'm swedish, but I can't figure out why Sandrew Entertainment (I think that's the film company holding the rights) won't subtitle in english (only swedish in this version):


Also, why the heck are Grim filling up both front and back cover? Wouldn't it me more appropriate with Trausti and Hjörleif? *Sigh*, many of the nordic film companys sucks bigtime. 'Atlantic' is another bad corporation, who insists on cheesy covers and plot summary that seems to be written by an 12 year old all the time.

Anyhow, keep searching, it will probably come out in the future in a more dignified version.

Best greetings from Sweden.


Shadow of the Raven, and the prequel,The Raven Flies, (Hrafn Flygur) are now available with English subtitles from the website "nammi.is". However, they are in the European system PAL, Region 2, so you would need a dvd player capable of playing these discs.
Both are great movies.


Oh, this is just awesome.
I've been looking for these films for a very long time now, and living in ireland it is hard to find a good supplier of them. I can see though they have all 3 viking movies there, Shadow of the raven, The raven flies and the white viking.

I'm off to order me some movies. :)

"The yelling will cease and the killing will commence!"
