High Spirits on DVD

I recently bought High Spirits on DVD. It's one of my all time favorite movies and there's only so long you can keep a video tape on auto rewind and repeat before bad things start to happen, so I was psyched when I finally worked it into my budget to get the DVD.

Now, to my question, and this question applies to all those who either own the DVD or have seen it:

Has anyone else noticed that the music is LOUD? The background music in every scene is almost as loud as the people talking. I don't remember the video EVER being like that. I noticed it the second Plunkett started talking in the opening scene. (you notice these things when you have the entire opening scene MEMORIZED)

My mother said it is probably because the DVD is re-mastered. I don't think she's wrong, I just want to make sure it's not my television.


it could be your dvd player. i had the same problem for the longest time until i decided to see if i could fix it. i have an rca dvd player and i went to the dvd player's settings (not the disc) and changed all the audio settings. there was some auto thing set that adjusted the volume automatically and i turned all that off then it worked fine. before i couldn't hear the people at all and the sound effects and music were blaring, but that fixed the problem. give it a try.


WHERE ON EARTH DID U GET THE DVD I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND IT FOREVER they stopped making the VHS version a long time ago..where do they sell the DVD


where did you buy it as we cannont find this film any where?? please help!!! thanx




The DVD can be bought on Play.com Region 1 for $11.45 with no delivery charges.

