MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Skinless Julia getting her own skin back...

Skinless Julia getting her own skin back?

This has bugged me forever. Frank from the first Hellraiser takes Larry's skin at the end, making him look like Larry. Julia needs blood in the same way Frank did in Hellraiser 2, but the last layer of skin she gets is her own? I don't think Julia could find someone looking exactly like her..and if she did..lucky lucky. I always found this to be a huge plot hole, unless Frank could have chosen to look like Frank and not Larry, but this is not explained.



Sounds like a good theory to me.

"Every living creature on this earth dies alone."


Another reason why Frank put on Larry's skin was because of the cenobites...

Pure and simple...

If you read "THE HELLBOUND HEART", all is revealed in the last two chapters or so...

As for Julia, well, she was basically "The Queen Of Hell" and so had no fear with regard to the cenobites...

Plus, she had the helping hand of Channard who could get her fresh meat, so to speak, more easily than she could with Frank...

She had to lure men back to the house, Channard on the other hand, has got a whole hospital of disturbed patients he can use as meat!!



Frank took Larry's skin because he needed it so he could keep running from the Cenobites. Julia looked like herself because she killed enough to regenerate her own skin. If Frank had killed as many people as she had, he would have looked like his old self, too.

Did They Teach You That At Whore Academy?


Frank didn't feed enough to generate any skin. He was basically wearing larry's skin. Julia on the other hand, fed on literally dozens of women so she not only generated skin, but looked radiant and healthy when the bandages came off. She could have worn a skin too if she had chosen to but there was no need.

No dessert Jerri. Don't touch the dog. DON'T rub your feces on the lamp shade.


Frank had escaped from Hell, so he was forced to wear someone elses skin. Julia was freed from hell, so probably given the ability and gift of regenerating her own skin from the Leviathan for giving hell Channards souls (remember she said it wanted souls and to Channard said and I brought him you), exspecially after so many "meals"!

"I've got a full on Robot-chubby!"



Julia feeding on enough women to regenerate her skin sounds like the answer to me.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


Frank didn't have enough kills is the answer. "The blood brought me this far...I need more" as he says in the first movie. Julia's room was littered with corpses. Frank had 4 meals, not enough


If it's true that in fact her own skin has come back due to regeneration (her appearing with skin while in bandages would suggest so), as opposed to Frank who skinned Kirsty's father to give himself skin, then why does it still act like a rubber suit on her? It should, you would have thought, been solidified and be back to normal.



That could be the makings of a good movie "How Julia got her own skin back"...j/k

From watching the movies and reading reviews I agree with those that say she was able to grow her own skin from the fact she was more developed and more feedings. I have a feeling that Frank could of got his own skin back if he just kept on feeding.

Come visit my


Frank wasn't supposed to escape. Julia didn't escape, she was sent forth as an emissary. She loved being in the Labyrinth, but I got the impression that she was actually _scared_ of the Cenobites.

What?! WHAT??!?! WHAAAAT!! The Glove is losing its touch!! — Chief Blue Meanie

