'I'll tear this film apart!'

By listing the problems I have with it...

The doctor had very little character development for me. It never explained how he got those boxes or his desires to go into hell. For a lot of his screentime he never spoke and just looked around in curiosity. And now we're suddenly meant to take him seriously once he becomes this evil monster?

A rather poor demise for Julia. It just got windy all of a sudden and the next thing you know she's blown out of her skin never to be seen of again. Thought they'd have given her a better sending off than that.

Kirsty changing into Julia's skin is of course ridiculous. The fact she fits into it perfectly in the time it took her to do so without the doctor knowing. Not to mention her plan of saving Tiffany hinged on the doctor reacting in that way to her dressed as Julia. It's lucky the doctor didn't kill her due to Julia's betrayal huh?

How is it Kirsty is always so wise to these things anyway? She even knew that photo was of Pinhead? That could have been anyone!

I'm sure there are other things but on the whole it's pretty inconsistent.



That's possible, although the fact she was carrying that photo around with her makes me believe she already had suspicions Pinhead might have been that same guy, with the intention of bringing it to his attention the next time she encountered him, which wasn't long after she saw the doctor in cenobite form. She says to him very assuredly "It's you", like she's known for a while.




I actually think we get more character development of the Doctor through the mind of the girl that can't speak. All the flashbacks, and dark images shows how evil he already is.

I got the impression that the trap with for the two young girls to be sucked in and Julia just happened to be collateral damage.

Well Kristy changing into Julia's skin that fits is under the same area of people knocking someone out and stealing their clothes that not only fits but also makes them look enough like the other person that nobody questions.

Kristy has shown to be a good detective at least in the sense of what is going on, as well as figuring things out. She has an Agent Starling aspect, and Pinhead was Dr Lector.

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I can' t argue with most of you point except for the last one. The photo was in book that had line drawing of Pinhead being created. The question that poses is who drew those pictures
Also Doug Bradley's face is not hidden or mutilated he doesn't look very different from his appearance in the photo so Kirsty could have easily just recognised him right away as being Pinhead.


i agree this film is like a nightmare. while watching it you get caught up in the atmosphere and imagery but after if you analyze it your going to find inconsistencies and other things that make no sense. im fine with that it works for me.

in response to how she knew the military man was pinhead. simply she recognized him. unfortunately for the director/writer they didnt account for the fact that for some odd reason the actor looks markedly different out of the makeup. (i attribute it to the fact that he has a rather featureless face so once the hair is gone hes very blank looking.) 9 times out of 10 you can immediately recognize the actor out of makeup. Robert Englund looks just like freddy out of makeup and thats probably more makeup than pinhead. honestly i bet part of the reason they put that scene at the beginning of him becoming pinhead was so the audience would understand she recognized him despite the fact that hes not easily recognizable.

id say the thing that bothered me more was julia being like 90% reanimated right off the bat and yet she killed like half a dozen people before having full skin.

or the inconsistency that frank had to wear the skin of larry and julia got her own skin back. pick one way or the other.

