MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Hellraiser 1-4, we will NEVER see anythi...

Hellraiser 1-4, we will NEVER see anything similar in our lifetime

nd it really really really pains my soul. I'm NOT gonna explain as to why I hate the *beep* hellraiser 5-9. They aren't canon to the story, they suck, Rick Bota go *beep* yourself for destroying the series.

Watching Hellraiser II on bluray, just pains me to know we will NEVER see something similar that resembles the great cast they put together on all 4 movies. You know a movie is good if the main characther utters quoteable dialogue, all 4 movies features tons of great speeches by Doug Bradley.

Speaking of DB, you can clearly see him enjoying his work to it's fullest extent on all 4 movies. Talking with him a few years ago, he shared a few great experiences from working with the cast. Hellraier II would have never worked if it wasn't for the great actors, same goes for all 4 movies.

I don't want a *beep* remake, I don't want a *beep* Rick Bota sequel.... I wanted a true Hellraiser V sequel, get DB back, get Clive Barker, Christopher Young etc. But obviously this will never happen.

End of rant

True hellraiser fan (1-4)

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"



^ the truth. It's like the people who made the 4th film never even saw the first 3. But it's still more of a hellraiser film than 5-9.



I will go a step further and say the 3rd one wasn't very good as well. I tried to like it since I love the first 2 so much, but couldn't.

I will agree with the OP about 1 and 2 though!


part 2 sucked


I liked the original, LOVED part 2 and liked part 3. I couldn't even make it through part 4. Halfway through I walked out of the theatre.


I have to agree with the original poster. I have only seen the first two of the series at this point, but I am still floored at how ordinal, shocking, and potent these movies are even today.


