Was pinhead telling the truth?

Was pinhead telling the truth when he said kristy's dad's spirit was in his own hell and not in the actual hell and couldn't be reached?And if so what did he mean his spirit was in his own hell?



Plus he's deliberatly ambiguous as it encourages Kirsty to go deeper into the Labrynth. Of course Larry isn't in Hell as he never solved the Box... that's how you get there, solving puzzles. When you're dead, you're dead... Cenobites don't care about good or evil of human notions such as sin.

- Scarecrow

The Hellbound Web Hellraiser Forum - www.cenobite.com/forum/


Correct, there is only FLESH!

I hate Jesus Christ and don't believe in god, I am 100 % proud of it.



ScarecrowX, couldn't thathave meant that Frank may have been Kristy's actual father?



A number of things were removed, such as Browning and a number of changes were made, presumably to heighten Frank's message of "when you're dead, you're effing dead". The woman Channard sees isn't the same woman but she does look similar, I'll admit. As for Kirsty, I'd figure that was her letting go. hellbound is a very rites of passage film for Kirsty, she grows strong across it and has to let go and, as Frank says, "grow up". That final "I'm sorry" and crying, I'd suggest is her grief at realising her Father IS dead and nothing is bringing him back. It's really at this point that Kirsty has matured and becomes strong enough for her actions in the finale.

- Scarecrow

The Hellbound Web Hellraiser Forum - www.cenobite.com/forum/


Would you trust someone like Pinhead to tell the truth? Maybe Kirsty's father was actually in Heaven, but, like the Devil, Pinhead would not want to admit

Or maybe, according to the movie, Hell is not one place but many. Since Kirsty never found her dad, assuming her dad was who she thought he was, we really can not tell.


ScarecrowX, couldn't thathave meant that Frank may have been Kristy's actual father?

She goes to Hell to find her father (Larry) but only to find out that it was Frank all along, who reveals that he is actually her father? That would have been an interesting twist.

And Julia is her mother? AH!


I always wondered what the first 2 movies would had been like if they had emulated the Grimm-like fashion of having Julia being Kirsty's natural mother, suffering from a long long post-natal depression... Frank being her father would also be an interesting thread but we aren't really told that much about Kirsty's birth mother.

Also, why is Tiffany British and her mother American?? Maybe because she had grown up listening to Dr. Channard as her sole human input, I guess that would make sense (she's not deaf, just selectively mute it seems).




I get the feeling that Pinhead wouldn't bother lying.


Not Sure but at the end of the book of the first movie Christie looks into the box to see if her dad is in there. She doesn't see him and the book basically suggests he is in a better place.


in the book Kristy isn't larry's daughter but his friend and it's only one book not a series


in the original script, Larry was indeed in "hell"...as 1/2 of a Frank/Larry conjoined nightmare. You can read the original script here: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Hellbound-Hellraiser-II.html

Would've been cool to see it filmed like the original script...but sadly, Andrew Robinson bowed out of HB:H2, so a hasty rewrite removed Larry from the final script, and left the question of where Larry ended up post-mortem very open (see imdb's trivia for the film)

i doooooo like the "frank's her real dad" idea...but that would've meant poor Larry got screwed over twice, no? unless as another posted said, julia is actually mom...Ugh...I'd shoot myself...



I wouldn't know. But I personally believe that Hell is very personal. Personal torment.

/ Daniel (Sweden)


I think this means that he is dead, killed by humans... no secret here... DEAD...
Their "plane or reality" is different and people are not really dead, despite having a possibillity of coming back to life somehow...
