I cannot remember the posting but what would Heaven be like if The Box had been used to open Heaven. Something about reincarnation and Nirvana. A soul would be reborn in nature, such as a flower or a river. THANX!





Yeah that's what i feel, i really don't think that the box's hell is the actual hell with the devil and stuff rather a hell for those that open the box and a hell for the cenobites to test different methods of killings and torturings.

So in a way there are two hells.

EAT THIS!!!!!!-Hicks
{no matter what happened in alien3 hicks is alive.}


Yes, Morte Mamme appears in Epic Comic's Hellraiser Book 17 & 18. Then the Harrowers had there own book for six issues. They also appeared in other Hellraiser issues. They all had different abilities and carried a particular weapon.

There were 7 totally, technically 8 (the cat shared superpowers)
Winston Gage & Zinc the Cat- bodyswap teleportation (switch places with the cat) and a psychic link with Zinc/axe
Ron Ringwood- regeneration/knife
Vera Vyshak- acid poisonous body fluid to cenobites/boomerang
Lavinia & Lucinda Twins- self-duplication & advice from a creature called Ovid/magical rope or chain
Dublin Morse- invisibility/knife
Marty- project lightning/sword

The first person resurrected through Morte Mamme was a transgendered MTF senior citizen named Bunny. Bunny unbeknownst to him he had guarded and cared Morte hidden chamber for years before the Harrowers were summoned.


However the Harrowers comics were released through Marvel Comics instead of the Epic imprint so it had to conform to the comics code so it was tamer and didn't push the envelope like the stories released through Epic.



Yeah, Morte Mamme, the death mother, is said to be an earth Goddess. Just as Leviathan is, itself a God. There's no alien stuff, its proper mythological stuff.

And keeping with the Hellraiser theme, she's a bringer of death... those rescued aren't free as such... they get a day as their self as they are before being reborn/reincarnated in a new life... as animals, new born babes, whatever.

Death and rebirth and change are the 'natural' way of thigns as opposed to the immortality offered by Hell.

- Scarecrow



It seems to me that Clive Barker is really just trying to comment on the extremes of pleasure and pain and how they can become indistinguishable from one another. Some people take pleasure from pain and pleasure from causing others pain(like Inferno). The Pleasures and Pains you are given depend on you.

"Every living creature on this earth dies alone."


The box is the only means to enter the cenobite plane. So i dont think its a classic biblical hell as we know it where bad souls is kept, but rather it is its own dimension were everyone can (will) be tormented for pain or pleasure or both.


in the novella its vaugely explained that there is no hell there is no heaven there is only their plane of existance, but i could misinterpret that i dunno its been like 2 years since i read it


I read a webpage that explained her, wish I could of got the full comics. But pretty interesting stuff.

Come visit my


Recently I watched both first and second movies... in the first is stated that the box can open heaven OR hell... not the same thing... but I think for many combinations of hell, there must be only one to heaven...


Frank said that it was a door to the pleasures of Heaven or Hell, not a door to Heaven or Hell. And as I'm sure he found out, it wasn't literal. He was never going to get naked full-body massages from beautiful, voluptuous angels with wings and halos up in the clouds. It was all about how you perceive the cenobites and what they offer. They're "demons to some, angels to others", as Pinhead said. To someone who enjoys pain and suffering, they're angels, to someone like Kirsty, they're demons. Channard is a good example of the former, as demonstrated when he first emerged from the cenobite-making chamber and said "and to think, I hesitated" in an almost ecstatic voice.

