MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Hellraiser + Hellbound definitive docume...

Hellraiser + Hellbound definitive documentary in production

Hello folks just dropping by to inform you that I am currently involved in a documentary titled:

Leviathan: The story of Hellraiser & Hellbound: Hellraiser II

We began production last Sunday with a highly informative interview with Simon Bamford (Butterball) and are due to be interviewing more cast and crew throughout the next few months. The documentary is written by Gary Smart who was behind More Brains : A Return to the living dead. We aim to leave no stone unturned and feature interviews with a series of figures who have not featured in previous Hellraiser documentaries.

I have attached our website, Facebook and twitter pages. We need as much support as possible for what will easily be essential viewing for any Hellraiser fan!



Twitter: @uk_leviathan

NB: this post will feature on other Hellraiser instalment forums


This sounds really interesting. How's it coming along?

Date. Mate. Re-Animate.


Really well thank you. We've covered the majority of the British cast & crew including Pinhead himself, Mr Doug Bradley and we've still got a few more tricks up our sleeves. We'll hopefully have a trailer out soon as well!


Great to hear. There's hasn't been a nice Hellraiser documentary yet, so I really look forward to this one. I think the first two Hellraiser films went above and beyond, so it's cool that you're just focusing on them. By the way, do you guys have any participation from New World Pictures or Anchor Bay? Old behind the scenes stuff would be cool to see.

Date. Mate. Re-Animate.

reply that?
And "More brains" was absolutely great
