Chanard Cenobite

One thing I never understood about this movie is why Chanard turned on the other cenobites. The film doesn't bother to make much sense of why Chanard, or as a literal puppet of Leviathan presumably, would kill the cenobites and revert them to their human form.


Channard didn't turn on Hell, the original cenobites turned on Hell and Channard acted on Hell's behalf to punish them. That was the whole point of Kirsty telling them they were human, so they wouldn't take her and Tiffany to Hell.


Well put. There are definitely some loose ends in this movie, which was apparently due to cuts because of Andrew Robinson dropping out after the script was written. If you want the full explanation Wikipedia has a pretty good entry on this movie.


I don't think the rewrites affected this particular scene, but Channard's connection to Leviathan was more clear, as the tentacle that attached to his head came out of the black beam that Leviathan emits.


^ What he said. :)


They were punished for the sin of remembrance.


I don't think that's canon, as Channard seems to have some memory of who he was based on his fixation with Tiffany and all the medical puns. I think some people need to be brainwashed in order to willingly become instruments of suffering whereas others(like Channard) are already sadistic and amoral and have no qualms about going along with Hell's directives.


I agree with hellhoundhero. Being that Pinhead was not evil in life, he was
brainwashed to become what he was (and still had some humanity even then).
Channard on the other hand was evil in life, therefore he had no problem becoming
the sadistic cenobyte he did.

Your sufering will be legendary, even in Hell...
