
I am looking to buy all of the Hellraisers, but i wanted to make sure it was uncut. I see some blu ray versions, as well as several DVD's. If anyone could help me, i would appreciate it.



that is the only one?


Here ya go, scroll to the bottom for "Cuts" info.



MRlambfries, thank you, I've been searching for a website like this for years! It doesn't seem to show the blu ray version, but I guess that's because it's still new. Now I won't have to bug you guys all the time for this.


Glad to help! I use it all the time. You have wait for the product to have been released for a while before it shows up on the site.
Another good site for specific DVD/BR info is Barnes and Noble . Click the "scenes" tab for a thorough listing of everything on the product and the "full Product details" for run time. They don't have the BR yet either.

http://video.barnesandnoble.com/DVD/Hellbound-Hellraiser-II/Clare-Higg ins/e/13131594096?itm=6&usri=hellraiser%2B2

In this case, the B&N site might not be helpful, but I find it an invaluable resource for DVD/CD shopping.


the anchor bay anniversary dvd has it uncut. thats the one with the same white cover that the blu-ray is using.

i've yet to hear if that blu-ray has it uncut though.


Thanks for all this info, guys! I was wondering the same thing as the OP.
By the way, many years ago I remember reading some horror magazine (Fangoria or maybe Gorezone) on Hellbound, and they had a picture of Pinhead standing next to the female zenobite. Both were dressed as surgeons. They had bloodstains all over.
I don't think I've ever seen that footage anywhere... Does anyone know if that footage is in the uncut version?
Thanks a lot!


hello, I just came back from the bizarre AC horror convention in Atlantic city. Barbie Wilde aka the female cenobite was there and she told me that the scene was never filmed. They were ready to do it and stopped because it was gonna cost too much money. A photographer was there and took pictures.


I've seen a series of pictures from that scene that seem to suggest that it was being acted out at least as opposed to simply being the actors posing. They depict Pinhead and Female stalking Kirsty and Tiffany as they run for an elevator, which closes just before they catch up to them. There's also a shot in one of the trailers of Kirsty and Tiffany walking through the corridor where the scene takes place.

Edit: I just remembered I had a collage of the pictures in chronological order. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y5/Lead_Cenobite/surgeonscene-1.png
