Why was...[SPOLIER ALERT!]

Dr Channard so powerful as a Cenobite? He killed the other Cenobites with relative ease. That, and aside from Pinhead, they didn't even put up a fight.


He was given more power by Leviathan than the other cenobites via the tentacle that is drilled into his head, chief amongst these the ability to transform other cenobites back into human beings. You might have noticed that his palm tentacles resemble the tentacles that created Pinhead, which means he possibly has the ability to both make and unmake cenobites.


Next question. Why did he revert Pin Head back to his human form before killing him?


I suppose because he was the leader and wanted to make the last kill more dramatic.


The cenobites were weaker because of remembering their past


Hate to bump an old thread but on this subject...

Was it ever said why Dr. Channard was chosen to be the "super cenobite" and not Pinhead or one of the existing ones? I know Leviathan wanted some new recruits but was there any reason for him in particular to be Leviathan's em...cenobite avatar?
