MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Your suffering will be legendary.

Your suffering will be legendary.

This is the coolest quote ever. I can't even imagine what her suffering would feel like.


probably by watching old videos with backstreet boys all days :(




"I also love that quote from the first, I always thought it was pinhead who spoke it, but IMDB cites it as Frank: experience beyond limits... pain and pleasure, indivisible. "

It WAS Frank, who is explaining Julia what the box is and what has happened to him.


yes one of pinheads many great lines isnt it

another one

we will tear your soul apart-pinhead

great character

CALL ME SNAKE-snake plissken


My favorite quote will always be "Don't cry, it is such a waste of suffering"


The "tear your soul apart" one is my favorite, just so freaking badass.

"What's your pleasure sir" is another one I love, nothing brutal about it like these other ones, but it still rules, especially the voice that says it, classic line.


And don't forget: " We have such sights to show you".


"this sint for your eyes"

"demons to some, angels to others"

"the box you opened it, we came"

"nobody escapes us", scary line the way he said it, and it was cool

"earth, a garden of flesh"

man theres so many more

oh yeah

"welcome to you worst nightmre, reality"

think thats hows he said it in inferno

great films, great lines

CALL ME SNAKE-snake plissken


"Whats your pleasure, sir?"


" Welcome... to hell. "


I personally like the "Oh, such a limited imagination" line from the third movie.




and i love the quote "i'll tare your soul apart" and when they say that jesus thing at the end of number 1


I'm not 100% of this qoute, but it's something along the lines of "Do I look like I care what God thinks?" Really creepy.


'Shall we begin'. Just before he slaughters everyone in the night club in part 3. Also, i dont know the entire line but it ends with '... a bounty of pain'.


from part 4

pain? how dare you use that word. what you call pain is only a shadow. pain has a face. allow me to show it to you. gentlemen....i am pain.


The whole line goes, "Your suffering will be legendary -- even in Hell." That's so hardcore, it's funny. That means all of the denizens in Hell know of her suffering, and theirs is a rose garden compared to hers.

I picture that scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian, when Brian is thrown into a prison cell, and there is that guy hanging on the wall telling him, "You lucky bastard!".


"Jesus wept"...that's the coolest line frank/his bro is getting ripped apart by chains at the end of the 1st one. Every other line ya'll have mentioned is def soooo badass, but this one is my fav.


Lets not forget my personal favorite....
"Time to play."
The way it sounded in there....awesome!


Agreed! And with a smile on his stretched out face, nonetheless! Pretty much mocking Christ for having wept.
It's a great line.

We've met before, haven't we?


I agree; the line "Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell." is a great quote!!
I even thought it was creepy the way Pinhead says "Amen" in Bloodline.

I get chills when the female Cenobite in the first film says "Perhaps we prefer you!" and "Not leaving us so soon, are you?"

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
