Skinless Julia...

So this is going to sound weird, but seeing as how the Hellraiser franchise is actually disturbing in its own right. Albeit in a good scary way. Ever since I saw Hellraiser 2, I always thought Skinless Julia was hot for some reason. I had a huge crush on Clare Higgins as well, and thought it was her under all of that makeup. Anyways, does this make me disturbed in the head? This is the first time I ever brought this up, and I thought the best place to do so would be on a hell raiser 2 message board. Thoughts?


I think the aim of Clive and co. was to titillate as well as disturb viewers/readers, so no, I don't think it makes you disturbed necessarily. It just means you "get" it, you see how all this might be appealing, the whole idea of combining pleasure with pain. A lot of people don't and think the movies make no sense, coming on here asking "who in their right mind would want to open that box?". It's nice to see that at least a few people here are open minded.


Thanks for being straightforward and non judgmental mate. I think the actress who portrayed skinless Julia was terrific at being scary along with seducing. Its a shame she never did more roles, seemed very charismatic. I love Clive Barker, I am a writer myself, and I get a lot of inspiration from him. He goes beyond the boundaries in ways, and he is bloody awesome. The Hellbound Heart is one of my favorite novels. I would open up the box if it was real lol. Go beyond the limits lol. Doug Bradley is awesome as Pinhead. Who is your favorite cenobite?


I think another actress played skinless Julia. You can see her teeth are straighter and her eyes are a dark blue...unless they were contacts.

Yeah I just checked the casting and it says Deborah Joel played skinless Julia. I wonder what she looked like without the makeup & skinless suit.

I think if the people really knew what they were getting into, they would not open The Box. Eternal Torture? I can't imagine anyone enjoying that. Even dudes who like gettting punched in the balls probably wouldn't want to experience that for eternity. I've only seen the first three movies & half of the fourth one but so far I have not seen any indication that any characters liked what happened to them after opening The Box.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


The ones who became cenobites seemed to enjoy it. Remember the shots of Elliot grinning interspersed with his agonized reactions as he was turned into Pinhead? Or Channard stepping out of the chamber and saying "And to think, I hesitated."? I don't the experiences in Hell are simply torture, I think there's a certain technique to it. They know how to touch you with their razors and hooks in a way that is pleasurable, comparable to a masseuse vs. a random person giving you a back rub.


Good point. Pinhead seemed to enjoy the transformation as did Channard. On the other hand Frank wanted to escape because he had no control at all. He must have had a much more dominating personality.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


I think that's a lot of what determines who becomes cenobites and who becomes "inmates", though I suppose it's possible for someone to enjoy the pain but be deemed to not be enlightened or skilled enough to deserve the rank of cenobite.


I'd believe that it was another actress, skinless Julia had a certain manic energy that regular Julia never quite reached (though she was also very good). All of the skinless character doublrs were VERY well cast.


It was a different actress under the makeup(Deborah Joel), but it was Clare Higgins providing the voice.


then hats off to Deborah Joel, because her physicality and the performance in her eyes were top notch.
