Clare Higgins is gorgeous

Isn't Clare Higgins totally gorgeous in this movie? Her dress, her body, her skin (once she grows it), her face, her hair and her eyes. Her eyes are bright blue headlights, especially in the scene when she puts Dr. Channard in the transformation chamber and stands there teasing him. Evil is sexy :)

The poster formerly known as EloiMorlock


She's gorgeous in both movies, imo. Even without the skin. Hell, the first two films are just... darkly sexy movies in general.


Yeah, she's attractive in the first movie too but she really stands out as a big screen beauty in Hellbound because she is given better hair-styling, make-up and clothes. It's almost like they tried to conceal her natural good looks in the first movie, maybe in order to make her seem more convincing as an ordinary, bored housewife who turns into a killer. If she started out as an obvious femme fatale her character transition in the film wouldn't have been as shocking. In Hellbound she's already the triumphant Queen of Hell and so it would be expected that she would be beautiful but evil.

I wouldn't go as far as saying she's sexy without skin though (ewwww!). But yes, these two movies are filled to the brim with sex. Evil is sexy. Sex brings death.

The poster formerly known as EloiMorlock


Lol, I think she's quite sexy without skin. That whole scene where she's kissing Channard and being wrapped up in bandages? Oooh. I dunno. I certainly wouldn't want to be in Channard's shoes, but it's still pretty darn aesthetically pleasing.


To each his own I suppose.

The poster formerly known as EloiMorlock



However it's likely that in most of those no-skin (sexy or otherwise) scenes, that's not Claire Higgins we're seeing. According to the Director's Commentary, they had another woman wear the "bone-and-muscle" prosthetics. They needed a skinnier female, so that with all the extra layers the "monster" was approximately the same size as the full-fleshed Julia.


Yes she is! I remember reading on the Hellraiser board how some people think she was too ugly to play Julia. Psst! She may not look like today's modern cookie cutter starlets, but I think she is easily one of the sexiest actresses ever, without even trying.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


I remember being surprised to hear it was another actress playing skinless Julia, she had me fooled.


She had me fooled too.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



This is definitely a case of different strokes for different folks. I don't find her the LEAST bit attractive, even during the sex scene where she's being pounded and showing half a teet.

She looks marginally better in Hellraiser II, but only a very small margin.

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


I always thought there was something repellent about her, even with skin.


NO! shes my age in this and looks 50 odd! kirsty though is fine. too fine to be in this sickness!
In an insane world.. i am among the most sane


I didn't find her that attractive in the first Hellraiser but damn she looked sexy in this one. Amazing what a suggestive dress and makeup can do.


she's hideous.

Well i take that back in this scene she looks ok


I didn't find her sexy in the original,her hair and outfit are not sexy
In the 2nd hellraiser WOW that dress WOW who made it? It would be pretty
Difficult to choose between Kirstie or julia

