Surgeon Scene (In Full)

A kind fan finally uploaded the full scene onto YouTube.


Surprisingly, the only part that really feels awkward to me is the way Chatterer yells and awkwardly lunges into the elevator. The cenobite outfits are visible under the scrubs but it's not extremely noticeable the way it's shot. I still don't think having them wear the cenobite outfits under them was necessary, though.


I don't think it was the final product. I think the mastered scene is in the German trailer where his growl is noticeably different.


Notice the finished scene in the trailer.


I figured the audio was unfinished, though the audio in that trailer sounds different from the released version too, so even that might not be an accurate representation of how Chatter would have sounded.


I think that's growl for Chatterer.

Of course, the video was finished after the effects failed so it was probably tacked on to the trailer though, without the Surgeon Scene, it made no sense to include it.

Funny how everyone said this was never filmed or shot, yet we were proven right. How is it Doug and the rest of the cast/crew don't recall this? It's very obviously rehearsed and practiced.


The scene is awful. Chatterer looks ridiculous as well.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


No thank you for sharing it. Figures.


Thank you for sharing the video. Nice catch, even if I didn't like it.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


The only thing I didn't like is the shot of Chatterer lunging into the elevator made him look more like a man in a costume than a demon. I guess I also don't like the idea of the cenobites being so vulnerable that they could be injured in such a way. If Chatterer could lose his fingers getting them caught in an elevator door, could Pinhead be killed with a mere butcher knife?
