Surgeon scene finally found

This set from Arrow video has confirmed the long time discussed "Surgeon Scene" from "Hellbound: Hellraiser II" will be finally included in their upcoming 4 disc set.

It was found on a workprint, even Doug Bradley has acknowledged this after saying for years that the scene was "never filmed" due to the lack of functional special effects and the logic of the scene didn't fit with the rules of the film.

Doug's Facebook post about the subject.


For years, in spite of what everyone said, I'd assumed most of the scene existed with the exception of shots of the cenobites in mid-transformation. It probably plays out like the Bloodline workprint, with all the dialogue and action intact until a special effect happens, at which point a card appears on the screen describing what's supposed to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if there's enough footage to restore the whole scene but with brand-new effects(hopefully practical but most likely CGI).

I know this box set can't be released in the US because it includes Hellraiser III which the company doesn't have the rights to here, but is there any chance of getting a version with the first two movies?


I remember arguing with others that the stills used on Cenobite to reconstruct the scene was not a photograph shot by a camera but a still from the scene itself on VHS.

However, people called me delusional and that it was never "filmed."

Here are screencaps Rue Morgue posted of the scene.!Exclusive-Take-a-look-at-the-lost-Surgeon-Scene-from-HELLRAISER-II-HELLBOUND/cjds/560eb5580cf2a7bb74c35dbb


Yeah I went through the same thing, and I even put together a collage of the stills I found(plus a couple shots from that German trailer) to try and prove my point. There was something about the pictures that implied to me that they were acting out the scene rather than simply posing for photographers(such as Kirsty looking back in terror as she hits the elevator button).

Imagine my surprise when my collage was used in an article about the finding of the scene and its inclusion in the set:

Here are screencaps Rue Morgue posted of the scene.

It looks to me like the one of them wearing masks and caps could be mid-transformation, since their cenobite gloves and skirts are plainly visible.


Is there anyway to view the clip online anywhere do you know? As I don't want to be forking out for the boxset just for that one scene haha.


I dunno. The OP mentioned to me that someone shared with him a 15 second clip of the scene, but I haven't seen it myself. And yeah, I kinda feel the same way. I'm not desperate for new interviews or documentaries really, and I don't even have a Blu Ray player. Still, it sucks that these special edition box sets only ever come out in the UK because they insist on including Hellraiser III which isn't under the same distributor as the first two in the US.


I do not have the full scene.


I know. That's why I said 15 second clip.


I'm surprised no one has uploaded it. The Producer's Cut of Halloween 6 was already on torrent sites on its release date.


I don't have much faith in whoever it is that owns the region 1 DVD/Blu Ray rights to the first two movies(I've heard the Blu Ray releases were pretty bad with no notable features), so I hope someone out there who got their hands on the Arrow set is generous enough to upload the scene someday.


I uploaded the short snippet I was given.

The full scene runs over four minutes according to users on Instagram.


Thank you! I understand what Doug Bradley meant now about wearing surgical garb over his cenobite costume. Who in the world though that would work? I think with a little more thought, this scene could have been done even with a low budget and 1988 special effects. I can at least imagine Bob Keen-style closeup shots of pins bursting through fake skin on a prop head(similar to Channard's cenobite transformation) and cuts spontaneously appearing.


Didn't they also film a surgeon thing with Freddy Krueger for like
NOES ? 1-4 I think that was also scraped?



I wish someone had shared the full scene with me. It's almost two months and no luck with the full thing being uploaded online. I don't understand some fans and their sudden "I can't share with you" attitudes. It's something fans have speculated on and has finally surface. Every HR fan should be able to enjoy minus the fact the boxset is UK only.

I posted it on YT for certain trolls to write terrible comments on the quality and why snippets despite the explanation clearly stated in the video. I think the scene would have worked if Larry had been involved in the original script before Andrew refused to reprise his role.

I wonder if the final Julia resurrection scene was ever filmed.

I don't think a Freddy scene was scrapped. He dresses as a surgeon in NOES 4 during Dan's nightmare before Alice faces him in the final act.


I wonder if the final Julia resurrection scene was ever filmed.

I believe it was. Here's a still of Julia in a black dress(like the one described in the script).


What I wouldn't give for that to leak someday if it indeed was filmed.

Clare looked gorgeous in Hellbound.


They might not have been present on the VHS they got the surgeon scene from, but I'm betting the other mentioned deleted scenes are out there somewhere(Julia ending, Engineer guarding the box, Chatterer's elective surgery). I wonder if they ever filmed any of the pre-Hell carnival scenes.


The cenobites in human form with surgeon's mask and hat, as Doug read the scene he wondered what did they mean by masked? It's sounded like an all over mask and he's got to not to have pins on or he's got to be human but it couldn't be Doug otherwise he'll look like his human self which they thought would be too confusing.

If they're in human form there would've been little point in wearing surgeons masks.


When I read the script, I assumed there would be different actors playing the surgeons, and the point of the masks was so that after the transformation completed, they would take them off to fully unveil the end result.


The mask wouldn't fully cover Pinhead since they only cover your mouth and nose, Doug couldn't put it on probably because there's pins between him and the mask, the rest is Pinhead and it's kind of obvious to Kristy who this is.


I know, I never expected it to. I just meant that after they transformed, you wouldn't see them fully until they took the cap and mask off. I know their eyes and noses would be visible the whole time.

That's why they should have had other actors playing the cenobites to start with, with no cenobite makeup or costumes on under the surgical garb, then when they transform, just have the pins poke holes in the mask and cap as they grow. It shouldn't have been so difficult to punch holes in them so that Doug could wear them over his pins.

The female cenobite's wires could just appear in a yellow flash, like when they're summoned. I don't know how else that would work. Maybe her throat could spontaneously tear open and then the wires would come out of the wound and attach to her face(maybe done in a manner similar to Frank's rebirth, footage played in reverse as the wires are pulled off of a fake head's face and into a hole in the neck)while the rest of the wires would stay behind, hooked into the skin flaps around her wound.
