MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Would love to see a prequel based on Cha...

Would love to see a prequel based on Channard

About his morbid obcession with the puzzle boxes and how he obtained his collection and research.

There's so much about this movie I love, but channards character really stood out. He was easily the most terrifying character, even before he was a cenobite.

I mean the guy genuinely wanted to see what hell looked like and had clearly done alot of research throughout his life. Such an interesting and frightening story really deserves a film of it's own.


I agree. i'd love to know his backstory.


Do you really think there would be much to tell about him? I mean, he has gathered lots of research, but really, that wouldn't make a very interesting movie. I don't really get the feeling that he has killed before this film's events. Everything that matters takes place once he encounters Kirsty, where he learns of the mattress and such. Up to that point, he seemed to be at a dead end. Only in the film does he get a payoff, learning the answers and finally getting to see with his own eyes.

What do you think a Channard prequel could be about?

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I don't really get the feeling that he has killed before this film's events.

Channard killed Tiffany's mom so that he could have Tiffany committed and use her for solving the puzzle box. There's also a quick flashback scene of a young Channard crouching by what looks like a cat splayed out on the ground. The other Cenobites seem to be people who were relatively normal at one point but who had a dark facet to their personalities which made them candidates for becoming cenobites ( speculation based on their decision to "help" Kirsty ). They also forgot, whether through time or the process, who they were ( seems more like the latter as Pinhead isn't that old really ). The best evidence for Channard being evil is that he goes through all of the torture/etc without losing himself. All that becoming a Cenobite does for Channard is amplify his sadistic desires and gives him the tools to more effectively carry them out.

As for the OP, I definitely agree that Channard was an interesting character, I think they should've focused on him a bit more in this film before the 2nd half where they travel to the labyrinth.


I used to think it was an animal that Channard had killed, but I believe it's actually a woman, maybe a nurse, that he's dissecting.


He killed Tiffani's mom...what film where you watching?


A film of him learning about the cenobites and the box? Sounds like a pretty stale plot.


There could still be cenobite scenes and Channard would keep track of all the murders and disappearances caused by them as he investigates their existence. It wouldn't necessarily be an action-packed movie but it could be interesting depending how it's approached.


Or how about new stories using the other lament boxes
