MovieChat Forums > Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Discussion > Did the Cenobites have a soft spot for K...

Did the Cenobites have a soft spot for Kirsty?

In the first film they let her go in order to get back Frank. Naturally they want to feel her flesh, so they chase her down in the end... but she escapes.

In the second one when they first see her they do not touch her. In fact, they even allow her to explore and search for her father. When they meet again there is a wonderful exchange of words between her and the Cenobites, and they still don't attack her... They even stall AGAIN so she can give them information.

And in the end they die protecting her.

And I just found out that in one of the sequels, Hellseeker, they AGAIN make a deal with her (even after telling her last time they met "no more deals"). They let her go in exchange for five other souls. Pinhead may have shown some leniency due to the fact Kirsty helped him discover who he once was... but still that seems like a hell of a lot of special treatment for Kirsty. I mean, were they that nice to anyone else in the other films (which I have not seen).

I love Kirsty... and it seems to me Pinhead and the Cenobites love her too lol.


I think it was more a case of Kirsy being incredibly lucky in always having a trump card to play.

The first time it was the offer of returning Frank. The second was revealing to them their human origins. Without those advantages, Kirsty would be sliced salami all over Hell, soft spot for her or not.

By the time of Hellseeker, well, the Cenobites were probably intrigued at why their and Kirsty's paths kept crossing.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


Absolutely a trump card, but I have to ask if you read The Hellbound Heart?

A big part of the Cenobites (and Pinhead) is the HUMANITY underneath.

So yes,they did. Not sure why this is even a question.


A soft spot? No, not really. Respect for her, yes.

The first time she was just another victim. Pinhead said that MAYBE they would spare her if she gave them Frank, but they decided not to.

The second time, I think they begrudgingly had respect for her for besting them last time. And as Pinhead said, they had an eternity to have their way with her. When they ran out of patience and decided it was time to cut her up, she restored their humanity and human memories. They weren't evil beings before they became cenobites, but had a hidden darkness in them, which is why they became cenobites rather than victims after opening the Box. Due to their goodness being restored, they tried to defend her.

The third time, only Pinhead remained of the original for, and his respect for her became a grudge at how she kept escaping, so he sought her out through her husband. And when the time came, she offered him five souls in place of her own, and he took the deal. That's really all their is to it.

I know a lot of people like the idea of a Kirsty/Pinhead pairing, but lets face it, it's not there and never will be. Of course, I'm basing this on the movies since I haven't read the comics. The ONLY affection Pinhead feels for Kirsty isn't necessarily his own, but that of his human side, who referred to Kirsty as a friend in the 3rd movie for having saved his humanity before he merged with Pinhead again.


I've still yet to see Hellseeker but mostly she has been lucky.
I do agree that they may find her interesting and being stuck in Hell doing the same thing over and over has to get boring at some point.


I don't really count Hellseeker. The backstory of Kirsty's five souls deal wasn't very well thought out. No explanation for how the cenobites could claim people who were murdered by a human (when normally they would have to solve the box to be taken) and Pinhead put up absolutely no resistance, as if this was the first time Kirsty had ever proposed a deal to him.

Kirsty: What if I make you a deal?

Pinhead: Interesting...

Yeah right.



I also don't think that Pinhead has a soft spot for Kirsty. I just think she's incredibly lucky.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



She was incredibly lucky for sure, but she always had a bargaining chip each time, and she knew how to bargain with the cenobites. They wanted to tear her apart, sure, but if you were a cenobite and the girl offered you someone that escaped you, gave you back your humanity, and finally offered you FIVE souls in exchange for her own, you would take all those deals too.



I think the simple truth is that the Cenobites find Kirsty amusing enough for them to humour her.


they have respect for people who prove worthy foes

