This movie is so disturbing

I never want to see this movie in my life ever again. I don't want my kids to see it or my wife to see this movie. Just hell no! (no pun intended)

"Your a Ribbon Bully!"-Kramer Seinfeld


Why? It has such sights to show you.

But honestly I hide this movie well so that my kids dont find it. I watched this movie when I was way too young and it gave me serious nightmares.


Lol, I know Pinhead wants me to watch the movie but, once is enough. I might watch some of the other sequels.

"Your a Ribbon Bully!"-Kramer Seinfeld



Why? It has such sights to show you.


Why? It has such sights to show you.

Haha, you sumbitch, that was good.


Why hide it from your kids? I saw this film when I was 10 or so


Well I feel bad for you then. I don't want my kids seeing this movie at a young age.

"Your a Ribbon Bully!"-Kramer Seinfeld


If you thought Hellraiser 2 was disturbing then watch Martyrs I'm sure your wife and son will love it


The OP needs to leave the Big Brother house.


I half expected a bitchy comment, but yes you are right.....the OP needs to take the kid gloves off


Lol at the kid glove and the big brother house but nah I don't think so. If you want to show your kids the movie go ahead but I'm sure as hell not.

"Your a Ribbon Bully!"-Kramer Seinfeld



Yeah, Martyrs is upthere for distubing but there are a lot of other movies make you ask why would anyone want to make them in the first place.

'The girl next door', a rip off of 'American Crime' was even more disturbing for me but when I read the wikipedia for the real story, I realised that those movies are actually downgrades.


I also saw this as a kid way before the first one, and it traumatized me TBH. This and the film IT.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


It def. depends on the kid but I don't think showing this film to a 10 yr old is a good idea! Beside, a kid won't be able to appreciate the plot.

I post short stories online! :)


I saw A Nightmare on Elm St when I was 6 or 7 and appreciated it so much I saw it every week for months.
Today's generation probably think A Serbian Film is high art but I think its disgusting compared to good old Freddy.


Nightmare on Elm St is childs play compared to this film. I've seen practically every horror film (foreign ones included) in existence. Still…till this day…this is one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen.

I saw this as a small child. It really disturbed me. Not a film intended for children obviously.

While I can still appreciate it…I definitely would NOT advise anyone to show this to children.

Bare in mind I'm not one to be easily disturbed. Less than a handful of films ever got to me…this just happens to be one them. Nothing good can come out of showing a child this film.

I know I came out okay and I'm sure most of you did as well. Still…this is one of the few films that I regret watching young.


I was 14 when I first watched the first four films in the series and although some of the violence was intense at parts, I enjoyed them.


I remember seeing the first Hellraiser when I was small and I was horrified but also sat and watched totally mesmerized by it. Of course, it scared the living hell out of me and I really wouldn't recommend Hellraiser 1 or 2 to be watched by any small child. Hellraiser and Hellbound as a whole are one of the best horror films ever made but meant 100% for adults, total gem of a movie though, I've never seen anything else quite like it.


Actually, I just figured out that I watched the unrated version of this movie for the first time then the regular one. I think thats why I thought it was so bad. The unrated one is worse because they add more scenes.

"Your a Ribbon Bully!"-Kramer Seinfeld


Far worse movies than this, I think KIDS need to watch films like this. Before you say anything let me explain.

My first "horror" movie was Nightmare on Elm St 3. I was 7 when it was released Needless to say I was scared out of my mind for the next few nights thinking Freddy was going to get me in my dreams. But i got addicted the scares.

For the last 25 years I have been watching horror films. Its a rush. Getting scared is a great thing, especially when you get older and need a sense of "being alive". Thats what horror movies are supposed to do. give you that rush

Over the last 10 years, maybe 15. Horror has become somewhat of a joke. When you look at the 80s and early 90s they kept the element of fantasy in it. And we ended up with many modern day horror icons. Pinhead included. We had the golden age of movie monsters. Now you look at todays horror, its lazy, its too realistic. Wow a guy in a ghost mask, or hey he has a fish hook for his hand. We got serial killers instead of monsters. TODAYS supposed horror is what i would shelter the kids from. Not movies like Nightmare on Elm St, Childs Play, Hellraiser ect. Kids need to see the creativity that goes into creating these creatures on the screen and give them the chance to appreciate what horror was. If they appreciate it while they are young chances are, as adults, they will appreciate it more. I know I wish Freddy and Jason and Chucky would make they're triumphant returns (proper returns, not the toned down crap thats Micheal Bay had a hand in) thats what kids should see, Not remakes or anything like that.

Being scared is healthy. As long as they can tell reality from fiction and 99% of the population can (i hope so at least) i wouldn't try to shelter them from horror.

Like I said i have been watching horror since I was 7. I turned out 100% fine.

I am not telling you how to raise your kids. So please don't take it that way. But i don't think kids should be sheltered either.

and finally, If you truly look at Hellraiser at its core, It really is a moralistic tale. People fail to realize that sometimes. In all its gore it is a proper telling of life and death, ego, self awareness, the ugliness of mankind and how too much power can ultimately corrupt and this movie effectively shows this.

Let the kids watch it. The worse thing that can happen is they get bored and if they don't scare or two will be a good thing.


Now you look at todays horror, its lazy, its too realistic.

There is a serious drought in quality horror movies nowadays. Every time I watch a new horror release I have very low expectations... I wouldn't even watch these newer releases but it's mainly due to friends or GF wanting to watch. Most of the time the movie is far worse than I anticipated lol... anyway, I think you're on to something with your points. I also believe filmmakers these days have figured out what works for modern day audiences (i.e., younger generation), but it's a very watered down dose of what we're used to (e.g., Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, as you mentioned). With that being said, I have seen some very good horror movies that were released in the past 10 - 15 years but they are few and far between. The remakes of classic horror movies are really annoying though because they are instilling in younger viewers the idea that gallons of blood and a ton of CGI = good horror movie. If you watch the Evil Dead remake and compare it with the original you'll know what I'm trying to say... so if your going to show you're kids a "scary" movie, show them Hellraiser! At least it digs a bit deeper and tells a more interesting story than the crap that Hollywood is churning out today.




Awesome, I saw Nightmare on Elm Street 3 for the first time when I was 7, too! It was actually the same year I saw Hellraiser 2 as well, both at babysitter's houses. I don't know what that says for the babysitters but I wasn't affected negatively by the early exposure. And I have to say, I agree with your entire statement. And it really depends on the child's maturity level. I have a 12 year old who, like me, has loved horror films from a young age. But my 10 year old has nightmares if she watches a tv Halloween special! So it varies. I don't allow my 10 year old to watch the same films as my 12 year old because I know she isn't as emotionally ready for them. And perhaps she never will be. Many adults I know do not like horror films. To each his or her own. Personally, I love them. It's my favorite genre and always will be. But they don't make them like they used to as you said in your post.


I saw this film roughly a decade ago and it still scares me. No way would I let a kid watch this! Dreamt me and 3 of my friends were attacked by Pinhead and it was horrible!


Yeah I wouldn't let my children watch something like this.. No way jose... They would have to watch at a friends house during a sleepover.. Like me haha.. Worst sleepover ever.....


What I find more disturbing is that you dictate what your wife can and can't watch.



someones in my fruit cellar someone with a fresh soul


Well my kid and probably yours (age11 or so) have youtube. He is a self proclaimed horror fan. I told him he wasn't really because he sees all of the scares from any movie ever made. We tried to watch a movie the other night and all I heard was 3-2-1 wait for it. Needless to say i'm in dutch with the wife. I am older (43) and I started reading King and Baker when I was 10. I hope reading the story will bring him some appreciation of the horror classic.
