Just noticed something...

Why was Kyle getting ready to give Kirsty, a patient in a mental hospital who just saw her family killed and is raving about demons, an entire bottle of sleeping pills, instructing her to just take a couple? Bad hospital policy!



Maybe they had a room shortage


I don't know what the procedure is 100% of the time at psychiatric hospitals, but it could be that they don't always automatically assume everyone to be a suicide risk based on their circumstances. Plus, it's possible Kyle wasn't going to hand her the whole bottle and instead give her two pills.


LOL...I'm pretty sure no hospital hands out pill bottles! I've been around quite a few, medicine is strictly regulated! Also, he said "take a couple of these" while shaking the bottle at her...Hey, I love the movie...just sayin!

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”


It was just a bit of sloppy writing and directing.

Thit and thpin!


Agreed! Just kind of made me laugh!


True, the nurses have to keep track of each pill you take so they bring your meds to you per dose on a schedule. I think they were trying to make Kyle out to be sympathetic towards Kirsty, even though it goes against every hospital protocol.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
