'I want to know who I am and what made me that way!'-then read the Bible

A fine piece of darwinist propaganda at the start, yet it makes no sense. After he spends 5 minutes spouting darwinist propaganda, he makes a statement that can in no way be satisfied by the evolution fairytale. Namely,

"I want to know who I am and what made me that way!"

He needs to pickup a Bible and start to read it in order to find that out. But since this took place in 1966 he must be long-expired by now. Hopefully he picked up a Bible and rejected the darwinism idiocy before he expired. Otherwise, it sure sucks to be him.

It is shameful that this movie tries to indoctrinate viewers to indulge in similar idiocy like that moron 'hero' in the movie does. 

But there is good news for any such viewers who have read this post: you now have the chance to do the smart thing and pickup a Bible instead of evolution fairytale propaganda, including this movie itself.

Species do not transform one into the other.Isn't anyone listening?!darwin-destroyer, Mendel


Poe's Law.


So you want to refute what you believe to be a "fairy tale" and replace it with your own fairy tale. I got it. Pompous prick.


Get yourself a time machine and go back to the Middle Ages, where you belong.
Bon voyage. In this 21st century, keep your fundamentalist crap to yourself.




Go ahead. Provide your evidence.



"It is shameful that this movie tries to indoctrinate viewers to indulge in similar idiocy like that moron 'hero' in the movie does."

It is shameful that your comment tries to indoctrinate readers to indulge in similar idiocy like the 'hero' of the Bible does.

Bible: collection of stories only partly true about the Hebrew people

Theory of Evolution: A useful, practical theory that has much evidence to support it, including genetics. Continues to gain support from discoveries in science every year. Taught in schools and universities in their science departments.

Science trumps religion every day in every way.


It is stunning how ignorant you are Navaros

"Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"
Fry from Futurama


I would like to point out something awkwardly important...

Louis Leakey was a devout Christian.


Your life must be quite sad, being so steeped in ignorance.


Wow, darwinists hate the truth so much. You'd think they'd be grateful that I taught them how to escape Hell with my OP of this thread. But instead of grateful, they are hateful. I guess they like taking after the moron 'hero' of this movie after all. Sigh.


It's evident that you were raised to believe in Christian mythology, and to question it must feel like betraying your parents and family, since they took it seriously. But you know the truth as well as anyone else, that you're simply obsessively superstitious and frightened. I hope you'll get through it and actually enjoy your life, not waste it with your head buried in the sand.

