Gorillas In The Mist

The movie was great. I liked how she opened her heart out the Gorillas because nobody else did. I liked how she save that baby gorilla from the pouchers. The movie showed me a lot about gorillas that I didnt now about. We shouldn't need to be like Dian Fossey but we should try to save some animals to. If it wasnt for Dian Fossey the Gorillas wouldn't be around anymore. Dian Fossey made the world happy but her death was horrible. They should of been more detailed with her death because nobody looked for her killer.


Im glad that you liked the movie and I agree that it did teach me more about the gorillas and we should try to help animals and its true that if it wernt for Diane then the Gorillas wouldn't be around today.


I agree that it was a good movie and that you did learn somethings from it. True we need to help save some more animals.


I also thought that this was a good movie and really showed a lot of different things about gorillas that a lot of people probably didn't know before. I also agree that they should have been more detailed with her death because I don't think it is fair that nobody looked for her killer.


This movie was good! It did teach us all a little life lesson, we need to stand up for what we think is right!


the movie was alright. i think that she opened her heart up to the gorillas a little to much. the reason that she died was that she made a lot of people angry. they didn't look into her death because no one cared and i don't think we could send people over there to investigate.


i woudl agree this movie taught me alot about gorillas and she was a caring person in the begging, but in the end she got to obssesed and went off the deep end and i wasnt suprised at what she got. i do think they should have looked more into her death though.


The movie was good, but she loved the gorillas too much. There's a thing known as dedication and crazy. She was dedicated but she was also crazy because her job ended up getting her killed. I dont know a lot about gorillas but it was really neat when she got to be really close to the animals that she loved. Her death was mysterious but the death still remains a mystery today.


I agree we should try to save some animals too but not as aggressive as Dian. I think her feelings went a little to far and caused her death. I also agree that someone should have gone further in dept about her death.
