Her corpse

I just saw this movie yesterday and i know nothing about Diane Fossey before barely even heard of her name but now i'm fascinated by her bravery so i was wondering just how she was killed?How many hack there was in her body and what's the damage that caused her death?I can't believe people would do this thing to a woman while ther're sleeping just inexorable


In real life, Dian was awake when her killer broke into her cabin and she tried to fight back, but the pistol she had was unloaded.

The killer used the machete to split her skull from her temple to her jaw, diagnoallly, and that was the main cause of death (there may have been other, minor wounds, I think).



Her murder plays out a little differently in the movie than in real life. As has been stated, she was not passed out drunk when she was attacked. There was a struggle and she apparently was found with a handful of human hair. Also, her murderer entered her cabin, which was made of metal, through a wall. I've read that it was the only wall in the cabin that was unobstructed on the inside, so it is likely that the killer was intimate enough with Fossey to have been inside her cabin (most likely often). If I remember correctly (and I suspect I'm not), the hair found in her hand was Caucasian hair.

The whole thing stinks of conspiracy. Evidence was lost or never attended to, including footprints leading in through the busted wall. Of course, this is local police we're talking about. At any rate, her murder was never solved.


Such a shame that it remains unsolved, too.

