What's the story?

I read somewhere that Richard Governor, the director, got into a squabble with the powers that be at Empire Pictures. As a result, he was supposedly canned from the job and the last portion of the movie was directed by someone else. Is there any truth to that? I realize that Empire was waning financially in the late 80's, but the fact that Ghost Town had more quality put into it than the usual output during Empire's heyday must be some statement to Governor's abilities. If so, why would they fire a guy who's making one of their last gasps into a memorable movie? For that matter, why has Governor not gone on to direct any more films? He had potential as a director, but Ghost Town was the only movie that he ever made. It had a few problems, but it was one of the much better movies that came out of Empire. So what's the real story?


I hadn't heard that he was fired near the end of the shooting. From what I've read, he finishing shooting the film and was in post-production when the studio decided to just dump the film on video before it was really completed. So what exists on VHS is reportedly just a Workprint and not the intended final cut as Governor had intended. Which makes sense, because I was confused by how suddenly the movie ends when I first saw it several years ago. Would love to see Governor brought back to complete the film (if possible 20+ years later) for a DVD release.

You could probably email Charles Band through his website to see if he can shed any light on the subject. :)


Is it a good movie?

I've NEVER seen it.

Is it similar to the movie, Hellgate?
