Only one funny scene?

About the only really funny scene is when they're on the lake and the guy gets the hook stuck in his neck and Chevy is trying to knock him out with an oar. Otherwise, there just isn't much going on in this movie, even for Chevy fans.



I beg to differ my man. I'm not even a hardcore chevy fan and this film is hilarious. Not just that scene.

You didn't find the scene where the mover throws the chair in the lake hilarious. Primarily the speech he gives to andy.

How'd you know my name was Mack?
I guessed.
Well why don't you guess your way to Redbud.


The Single Most Overrated Film of All Time is The Night Of The Hunter(1955)!


No, its not the funniest movie in the world, thats for sure.. however, it has charm. Its a typical Chase film.. Not over the top funny, but cute funny..I compare it to Spies Like Us.. I must admit, though, its one of my favorite films to watch on a boring day..You can relate to his character in the hopeful but nothing goes right..
-- “A hot dog at the ball park is better than steak at the Ritz.” Humphrey Bogart


And what about getting lost,the movers,and the bad directions,not wanting to share the food when they first get there, hooking the snake,and the half-door scene,the mailman scenes,the pay telephone,those sorry dogs,the lamb fries,the children's book Elizabeth writes, and the Christmas tree scene? There is a lot more as well. Everyone that I've ever shown it to gets lots of hard laughs,and I still do myself,same as with The Money Pit.


Actually, the scene where he let's the dog out his back door and it just keeps running into the horizon makes me laugh just thinking about it. This was a story with humorous elements, not a slam-bang comedy, which is why most people didn't take to it...


The scene before he buys the dog is hilarious when he says "If I cant make a friend I`ll God damn buy myself one" Gut buster !

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


I love the whole scene when Andy learns his wife wrote a book, and she explains to him the plot. His whole reaction that the characters are based on his shortcomings just killed me.

reply guys make good points. Maybe I should watch the movie again! The bit where they try to call the police and the switchboard operators think they're calling from a payphone is a good one too.

"I'm-I'm just being honest" - Outkast


I like the scene where the man who works for the publishing company comes to the farm to tell Andy that his deadline on his book has passed. Andy hardly pays attention because he is trying to line up a boulder to roll in front of the mailman. The funny part comes when Andy gets the man to hold the boulder and the guy gradually starts slipping, and slipping (his positioning is hysterical) until he gets laid out flat and run over by the boulder.

Now, if you notice you'll see that they guy is fine, somewhat, after the boulder runs completely over him, yet when the boulder hits the car it destroys the back end of it!

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"


I don't know the actors name but in that boat scene - the guy that gets stuck with the fish hook is just such a great pick for that charactor with that over sized cap brim !! Just seeing him in that hat alone would have had me picking him instantly had I been doing the casting. He just so looks like one of them dudes you'd expect to, but not necessarily want to, run across in some rural smalltown. You know he'd be a miserable b*stard and you'd have to wonder what one would find if you did some digging in his backyard ! And at the same time as GOOFY looking a SOB you'd ever see - the type you'd have to try and keep from laughing at while talking to him... dunno, he just makes me laugh. Considering this is a movie and its all casting, I wonder what hes like in person ? He must have tried on a few caps and I can picture the scene:

"How about this one ?"
"PERFECT !! Your hired !"

The kind of little nuances that make a movie a classic - it all just "works".
The "mailmans" laugh ? Perfect.
The "movers" - perfect. Anyhow, just a great job with the casting although I agree Goldie Hawn would have made for better chemistry - ya can't have it all I guess..


... and Andy is yelling at him "Let it go! Let it go!" then pushes it over him! My favorite scene is the boulder scene! I'm laughing just thinking about it. My second favorite is when he throws his hot coffee out the window onto the singing bird he used to love to listen to. LOL!


Great movie, I haven't quite finished it yet though.

I LOVE the boulder scene...LET IT GO! LET IT GO!...I can't! I can't!

BAHAHA, too good.

And I LOVE when Andy and his wife are sitting down with the people who want to buy the house and he hears the mailman coming from the distance. The expression on his face, that look in his eyes, is all so priceless.



The telephone operate scene was hilarious. "You're going to have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me, I know the sound of a quarter being dropped in a jelly jar". Hilarious.

The Sheriff that rides around in a taxi was hilarious too.


I can't believe none of you noted the part at the diner where Chevy's character eats the plate of hog testicles (or something) without knowing it...and even went for the Diner's record. And soon after spits it out.


My favorite line is "Cue the Deer".

This is one of those movies where I was dissappointed when I first saw it, but then liked it later. The best way to gage how good a movie is, is by how much time you spend thinking about it later.


I totally agree. This movie makes you wonder when Chevy Chase stopped being funny. At least he redeemed himself with Christmas Vacation, until he made Nothing But Trouble.



Any scene with the mailman is funny, but especially the one where he walks into the dining room & lays down the mail & pours his act on thick, even throws in a line about ice fishing!

Both dogs are great -- the one who ran away and the one who was pretty useless.

I think my favorite scenes, though, are the ones where the town has been paid off to help them sell their farm, and they go out of their way to earn those bonus bucks! I love when they are done drinking eggnog & singing and as they pile out of the house, tell Andy their names so he'll be sure they get their bonus.

Just love the whole movie. While not a Christmas movie, I enjoy watching this movie most at Christmas time.

Sandy S.
Beaverton, Oregon


wait, what about the scene where the sheriff hops in the cab, and puts the alarm on top of the car, isnt that hilarious?

Uncle sandler went to the mall!!


I love Funny Farm. It's pretty funny throughout the entire film. But i'm a big fan of Chevy Chase (pre-1990s)
