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Why did they go broke and in what year does the movie end in


They went broke due to Lawrence stealing money from the restaurant to pay off his gambling debts. (they made him manager, and remember the phone call "from New Orleans" he got when Lawrence suggests to Cake they visit Gavin? presumably, the call was from his bookie, or the people he owed and then killed him after the motel party scene.)

the yeaar the movie ended in? I would guess 1988, or mid-80's at least. It seemed to end pretty much in the then-present day.


The movie ended in 1981, at the 25th anniversary party of the 1956 Sugar Bowl.


Good math.


Yeah, had to of been pre-Elway era since he didn't come into the league until 1984. This movie was one of the first football films I ever saw in the theater and being only 10 years old I actually enjoyed it from what I remember.


the date is on the invite they show that Babs sends to Cake for the reunion weekend game and dinner honoring Gavin
