pretty good, but contrived


Pretty good movie, some good characters. Larry was pretty funny. I guess my main issue is the whole child abuse thing. Why did they have to make it so Dominick was also abused as a child, just like the kid in the present? That just felt really contrived.


I also thought it kind of dumb that Eugene was so concerned yet was too chicken to say anything until later on. But I didn't mind that storyline as much as I hated Ray Liotta's character. He seemed like an asshat, and the story dragged a bit.
And why didn't he take Dominick to the dentist even? That tooth looked nasty and that can be very dangerous.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Well the reason that they made it so nickys character was abused was so We can get the big climax at the end when Nicky realizes The reason he is the way he's almost as if when he saw joey being pushed down the cellar steps he almost had like a flashback...remembering what his father had done to him. I believe it ties in beautifully.

When he realizes that his own father was the reason for his being slow..we then see Nicky trying to protect joey...First trying to call for help..then going home to see if he can goto his brother for advice. Both attempts at going for help fail..We then see Nicky doing the only thing he thinks is best...Which is getting the baby out of harms way. Was it right? no...But you have to remember that Joeys dad told Nicky that if he told anyone HE WOULD KILL HIM. Also try to remember that nicky is slow...probably functioning at 9yo mentally.

As for ray's character I think alot of people disliked him as well...he has a temper...but you also have to remember that he works 22hour shifts and is trying to better his and Nickys life making it as a doctor. All while trying to take care of a special needs brother. We also see a dramatic scene when Rays Character confesses that his biggest fear is that he is just like their father..who was very abusive..and the reason for Nicky being slow. I think its an extremely powerful moment in the movie that shows us the struggle that Rays Character is dealing with throughout the movie.
