MovieChat Forums > Demonwarp Discussion > Who holds copyrights to this movie now?

Who holds copyrights to this movie now?

And will it be put out on Blu-Ray?

I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands!


Good luck getting an answer...Its a miracle two of us have been on this board in a 10 hour peroid


This came out on Vid Mark which became Tri Mark which folded and was succeeded by Lion's Gate so i guess they have it unless they sold it in some package deal


Thank you bossdog. Yes, it is a miracle that more than one person has been on this board in a 10 hour period. But I think it's because of George Kennedy's passing, and us horror fans are trying to make a list of different films he's been in (horror and non-horror wise).

But yes, Lions Gate probably holds copyrights to it. And with our luck, it is part of a 10 movie DVD box set (with 9 titles I either own or don't care to own).

I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands!
