Alice Cooper

Recently rediscovered this beauty on VH1 Classic tonight. Anyone know what band Alice Cooper mentioned during the segment where they're talking about bands stealing from other bands, no ones original, blah blah blah...
It kinda looked like he's saying Black Sabbath.


He say's K-Fed.

"I want everyone to be as miserable as me; that is what makes me happy." - Howard Stern



Actually, Cooper was kicking around & forming his stage show in bands since the early 60's, and his debut album came out in '69. Black Sabbath's debut didn't come out until 1970.
Nevertheless, I don't really see why he would single out Sabbath either, it just kinda looked like thats what he said.


I think he said, "Blackie Lawless". I believe that I read somewhere that he felt that WASP completely ripped him off.


It looked to me like he was saying "Ozzy Osbourne" which I doubt, since he and Ozzy are supposedly good friends. I would have expected him to say Gene Simmons if anyone. I mean, come on, the fact that Gene even tries to deny he/KISS isn't ripping off Alice is insulting to our intelligence.



i'm almost positive he says 'blackie lawless'


I'm not sure if he was gonna say Blackie. But its obvious who WASP ripped off stage wise. I'm a big WASP fan, but AC came first. I mean the whole black eye thing, AC did that a long time ago. Even King Diamond admits to being largely influenced by him.
