what happened to the people that didn't 'make it'?

i would love to know where they are now.



Ya a few of the people at the end of the movie that talked about making it did actually find very minor success in the music industry. Most and I stress MOST of the people she interviewed where nothing more than trashy boulevard wannabes...They had bands but they were horrible. It had nothing to do with the music for them...all they were interested in was hanging out night after night and trying to get laid and party. Besides that...most of them were in I wouldnt really say "Metal Bands"...they were actually just carbon copies of alot of other "Glam Bands" that found success in the early and mid eighties. By the time most of these bands would have gotten signed after 1988...the whole music industry was on its way to changing and leave these prissy boy rockers with not much of a future besides small club gigs.


@ marionstud_11 I couldn't have put that better... The ones that said "we are gonna make it" when she asked "what if you don't" and they were like "we are" that was funny... VERY FUNNY..... The ones that said "its all about the music." Their music was so horrible even for the time and style... I looked up a lot of the names on www.allmusic.com which is one of the major music databases out there for over a decade, and they aren't even a FOOTNOTE... If they would have just worried about writing good songs, maybe, just maybe something would have happened but it was so apparent that these guys had no talent, no drive, no real love for the music, they just wanted to HI/FI lifestyle...


lol exactly...well said




lol...yeah I know that guy....he is the one that looks at me like im a *beep* jerk when I go in and ask him to restring my guitars before I have a gig because I dont have the time. He is also the same one that tries to play the same Eruption licks for the 11 year old boys that come in for lessons on their fender squiers.




Nobody said he wasnt...so shut up


One part that sticks out in my mind from that absolutely hilarious documentary is when they asked one guy "what happens if you don't make it" his answer was 'I know I will, but if we don't then I'll just die'!!! Classic moment in stupidity there...lol.


That guy is still in the band Wet Cherry! He has his own MySpace page with recent photos. He looks the same, only 20 years older.


Most of his photos are 20 years old.








Dokken does indeed rule... One of my favorite bands, PERIOD... Of course NOT ALL their material is great, its just good, but they do have some really great songs... Even the newer stuff is pretty decent. "Prozac Nation" is damn fine song and that is semi newer...


If there's any justice in the world, most of them are wearing paper hats and asking "Would you like fries with that sir? Your total is $5.97, please drive around to the second window" :)






I would love to know also...the guy (kid actually) with the half blonde half black hair was a friend from elementary school in Texas named Gabriel. he dissappeared after 6th grade (a rumour about him stealing his dad's van and trying to move to hollywood...but got caught in El Paso with the old man's credit card)

he was 16 or 17 in the interview...I thought I recogonized him, but was not sure until I saw him at a Metallica concert my senior year...same hair and everything.


I think most of these people grew up and realized that they weren't gonna make it and (hopefully) went out to make something of their lives. Either that or they're probably dead by now. Despite what they said most of these kids acted like they were into drugs heavily.


It's already known that many of these bands were dropped from their record companies. One such band was Seduce (formerly from Detroit, MI - lookup www.MotorCityRock.com/seduce/seduce.html). I worked for a company called Electro Scientific Industries (formerly - Palomar Systems located in Escondido, CA) from October 1993 to July of 1998. Sometime during the middle to end of this employment, Chuck Burns the drummer for Seduce, going by the name of Aaron Bacon, was employed in our materials handling stockroom for our machinist department, cutting material for the machinists. At the time he lived in a really nice double-wide mobile home with his lovely wife and Naval Academy ready stepson, situated in a really peaceful and nice looking mobile home park in Escondido, CA. Later he changed job positions to our parts stock room and then into the engineering drafting department taking digital pictures of our parts and subassemblies for assembly drawings (picture form). We had a lay-off the end of July 1998 and Chuck later found a similar job to the one he formerly held for ESI working for a company called Deutsche located in Oceanside, CA making more money than what he did when working for ESI. I had been to his house before on a couple of ocassions to play Dungeons and Dragons. One of those ocassions Mark Andrews (going by the name of Chris) joined in with us. He came in with his head buzzed not looking like his album photos. I had once asked Chuck to jam with him at his home and he said, "sure." I went over and Mark was there. Later Dave Black shows up and I tell these guys that I'm no good on guitar, that the only thing I knew how to play was a 12 bar blues shuffle in the key of E. I get to playing my guitar and Chuck comes in on the drums doing fine. Mark Andrews is doing good on the bass. So the three of us are doing okay. But, Dave Black is having a difficult time finding something to play with us. He's struggling to find the right key, the right resolve....but he can't do it. For something short of my saying that he was terrible, I told Dave that he needed to play the E minor penatonic scale or the E minor blues scale (5 and 6 note scale patterns respectively). Dave still couldn't get it together. Later....for some unknown reason....I blurted out, "you guys suck!" Insert foot into mouth! No way to apologize! No way to make ammends! Ejected from the club! But, the truth about these guys, they were good for the time that they had doing what a lot of other bands were already doing. They probably could play the 12 bar blues shuffle in the key of E if they read it from guitar tablature. But they really couldn't do anything on there own at least not from the stand point of there reliance on what the music industry standard already had accomplished at that time. But music changes so often and is fickle with its facial masks. It changes too often and too soon. These guys were good at doing what they did, but they came too late to establish themselves as pioneers of the sound and genre.

P.S. This was 2 weeks ago (now 09/29/2007). I have a friend that lives in south Houston, TX. He's a guitar player as well. He told me that he was at Guitar Center there in Houston listening to a kid trying to play one of their songs, but having a difficult time doing so. Then all of a sudden David Black comes up to this kid, picks up a guitar, sits down, plugs in and starts playing the song showing the kid how to play it.
So, I guess Seduce still does stuff publicly. Wow!


wow what a story!

I love the part where the guy from Seduce goes "Stocks.. Bonds... Investments.. I got long hair but *beep* I'm a businessman!" LOLOLOLLL


If he (David Black) is a businessman, he's probably better at that than blues guitar!


It's so easy to make fun of something you clearly do not understand. They were kids. Kids with dreams. If you interviewed kids in the "punk" scene today, in 20 years they will look just as stupid as the peeps in this film. I was part of the scene, as a matter of fact, I'm in the movie.
Many of the people in the LA metal scene went on to be writers, reviewers and preservers of the heavy metal lifestyle and new metal movements. Yes, many were pathetic kids from the strip, but many turned out to be normal people, just you and well, me.
I think those people were brave to put what they loved in front of the majority who did not get metal. It's in your blood. Spheeris didn't know metal and it shows. It is her crappy job that is more pathetic than even Chris Holmes. She had absolutely no handle on the popular acts on the strip or the respected fathers of metal save Ozzy and Aerosmith.
I think the fact that all the metal acts continue to tour and tv shows on metal are popping up all over, proves that metal will not die, and we will never go away.
So jeer all you want with your stupid LOLs, you just jealous baby, jealous YOU WEREN'T THERE!


^Just curious but who were you in the movie? Were you part of one of the main bands or one of the people interviewed?


I'm one of the bimbos in the Gazzarri dance contest. I flip off Nadir and London when they had put up a sign that said "Skin to Win." After I flipped him off, they put up the sign "You get a zero." Spheeris spliced the film to make it look like I sucked, but I don't care. Bill Gazzarri always had me in the contests because I was a true metal babe, not a stripper, who by the way, hijacked that contest.
I am now a journalist, and relatively normal. I love metal and TOOL RULES.
I still go to the Rainbow when Im in LA, and Steady is still working the door.
I look great because I work out 10+ hours a week, and have no stints in rehab under my belt. Most of the metalhead bimbos I hung out with are all professional women. My circle of friends include lawyers, veterinarians, journalists and psychiatrists. And we all get together and go to metal shows whenever we can.


^^^There's your Decline of the Western Civilzation IV: Metalhead Bimbos Gone White Collar. Let's make it and release it. I'd buy it, that's for sure.

Damion Crowley
Shake Well & Buy Often


what killed metal in my opionion is the catagories all metal bands were put into to classify them.(glam, pop,heavy,speed)There was fighting within the metal scene. Can't go see that band because they put make up on their face, Or they look too much like girls or they have a girl singer(had one friend that said that line).What matters is the music. That's what people forgot. It's rock music.When metal hocked up with rap,it was a cool scene. metal heads and rappers-there for the music.As for the movie, I was angry when I heard what penolope did with some scenes. She delibertly tried to make people look stupid. Kids have dreams and they should all try to make their dreams come true.The problem is they have people telling them it's impossible to active their dream. Kids should be inspired from young age to think they can do whatever they want if they work hard at it;even if it doesn't work out at least they gave it they're best shot.All those people gave their shot; most didn't succeed but who cares, they tried. As for the girls; guys always think they have to act macho and put girls down.All metalheads have become regular people just like every other generation.Inspire the youth-don't put them down because you don't get what they're into,try to understand it and influence them to go with their heart.


Classifying then as certain genres killed metal?

Crap bands that weren'yt metal, but called themselves metal, killed metal. IE; every single band in this movie.

What killed the music and bands in this movie? The rest of the world got over the ridiculous stunts and looks these guys pulled.



NemesisRogue. Well said.
The main genres back in the 80's were thrash & glam. Then you had all the sub categories that most people ignored anyway.
Back in the 80's the bands in this movie WERE metal. There wasn't all this incredibly heavy 'let's tune down to C and scream til out throats bleed' music back then.

Metal was fun back then - all the songs were about chicks, drinking, partying, having fun and generally enjoying life. None of this self harming, all alone, pity me, my dad hates me nonsense!

And wasn't it Vince Neil who once said, 'this is show-business, what's wrong with a bit of glamour'...?!




No sweetie, we never discussed the taste of the "eruption," just the size of the volcano. :)


This movie is highly entertaining but full of some of the lamest bands I have ever seen...and thankfully, after the movie, never saw again. Most of the music, including Aerosmith (in my opinion), isn't even metal.

The title of the movie should have been The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Glam Years.


What those guys from Seduce said was hilarious. I'm not LOLing because I'm jealous. Besides, I'm way too young to have been in this movie.


Cool story, sgtmajhorsemarine. I actually liked the first Seduce album. It's unfortunate what happened to them as it's a story shared by dozens of bands during the period...One great album and loads of potential only to fizzle out.



Hi name is Lee Waddell and did studio guitar work for Penelopi on the metal years and another movie called Dudes. I'm still playing guitar, I play guitar for NO EXCUSES up here in the Great Northwest. We have been playing the Portland area for the last four years now and we are in the process of producing our music videos and have three of them done so far, you can see them on You Tube, here are links to them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-BYLqhDbxM HURRICANE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0yDf5Unc7I HEAVEN
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EHwNDtUI-o MONTERAY

Also there are some free MP3 downloads of our original music on mySpace,

We are easy to find on the net if you just Google it, type in noexcusestheband

like that with no spaces.



Some musicians who don't make it big wind up playing in cover bands. There was a commercial metal band named Trixter who were popular in the late '80s/early '90s. I saw a couple of guys from Trixter playing in a local North Jersey cover band. I talked to them during a break and they were really cool. I thought they might be ticked off they could no longer make a living playing their own music.
