Should've been called 'The Hair Metal Years'

Instead of focusing on classic metal acts and the burgeoning thrash scene this film mainly looks at the totally sh@te sunset strip transsexual poser metal scene that was hugely popular in the U.S. in the 80's. I for one was hugely disappointed, after loving Penelope’s first punk instalment of the "Decline" series this just sucks. Only worth watching if you were one of those sad poodle permed oddities that loved listening to terrible sub-sub standard pathetic misogynistic aerosmith clones.


I think rabgee needs to get laid... BIG time. So angry.


I agree that it focused moreso on hair metal, which was a ridiculously stupid scene.

But even though I wasn't a fan of hair metal, I think the film was pretty entertaining and fun to watch. It was almost like she was poking fun at them. Most of the band sets they show are just awfull, I mean the music is terrible, but it's still great fun to watch.

I liked how they put some real metal vets in there as a sort of comparison between them and the hair metalers, like Ozzy and Lemmy.

Also, I think by showing Megadeth last she chose to close out the movie with a REAL thrash metal band that actually had good music and integrity.

The clips of Mustaine and Co. discussing their views on music and the intense live show at the end seemed to be saying "Look, the Sunset Strip bands were kind of a joke. But THIS is what real, intelligent musicians can do with the music. THIS is how it's used to it's full potential."



Emo is the new hair metal. Hundreds of mediocre bands looking exactly the same, copying each other and more interested in how they look than the music. Chicks are the biggest fans. The songs are all basically the same. The band names have gotten ridiculous (Cute is What We Aim For?!)



They focused on the Sunset Strip sene because thats where the majority of bands were that were trying to make it. It was definitely over the top, but that's the intrigue I suppose.



but ya to be there too, I had good times there, saw LOTS and lots of bands come and go........



Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder


The 80's were an over the top decade,so naturally the music was going to reflect those extremes. I have many fond memories of that great decade and would go back in an instant if offered a chance.


Amen to that I would too! :)

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder


The original poster makes a good point but, really, who gives a schitt at this point. Both music scenes are dead and the movie itself has basically become a novelty.


Why do music have to be dead, just because it can't sell more albums than a bunch of good looking kids getting matched together by a producer and given an entire album fråm another producer that sounds just like anything else you hear? I myself are born in 1980 and listened to a lot of this music during the 80s but its more in the last 6 years I have gotten more and more in to it. And as you guys said before, I would go back in a heartbeat if i got a chance... Then there at least were real musicians who made songs seen from their lives...


I don't know if I could be 18 again - I really like my life now. But I wouldn't change a thing because I am who I am for going through those days. It was rough having so much fun! And there was something so great about going to your closet and throwing together what you had that looked metal and tossing a scarf around your neck and voila! What kids don't get today is that we had no money, but lived like millionaires. I have so many great stories of ending up at after parties at rock star houses, it's just not possible to do that anymore for the younger generation. Today you have to have labels and good shoes, it's just not the same world.
Just wait-the 80's are coming back, I already see neon, spiked heels and skinny jeans everywhere I go. So don't knock what you might be wearing tomorrow.


I agree with rabgee. The movie was really dissapointing. Why title it "The Metal Years" when there were hardly any metal bands in the film? Couldn't stand seeing all those lame cock-rock groups. A better title would have been "The Glam Years".




thank you. I personally dislike the term hair metal myself.


The movie seemed very focused on the scene in Los Angeles. They could have shown more outside of L.A.. I was a big King's X fan. Those guys were based in Houston.

