I was at Gazzarris when they filmed Odin + London...

and the dance contest. I'll never forget, it was the night after Halloween 1987. Halloween night it rained like you wouldn't believe so I was kinda bummed. I saw an ad in Bam Magazine for the show and it mentioned they were filming for a movie. It was a Sunday night and I talked my brother into going. Little did I know I would be part of History. There weren't that many people there that night probably cause it was cold and like I said a Sunday night. Some of those girls that danced that night were unbelievably hot. Just imagine some of them in person. Most memorable thing that happenned was that goddamned concusion bomb that London set off. It scared the crap out of everyone and my ears were ringing the rest of the night, not to mention the smoke took forever to clear which it never did completely. When the singer from London tries burning the Russian flag you can hear my brother yell out, *beep* COMMIES!". One thing that didn't make the final edit that was pretty funny was when Bill G. asked the contestant with the shag type perm on the top of her head what her name was. Her reply was "Nasty". Bill asked why she was called "Nasty" and someone from the balcony yelled out, "CUZ THAT'S HOW SHE SMELLS!". Messed up but it was hysterical. I think we left at three in the morning. It was fun. Even more so now that I can pop my tape in and relive it once in a while.


Nice. Can you find you or your bro in any crowd shots?



No, but if they ever release it on DVD with deleted scenes you can bet I'll be looking.


HAHAHA!!!! I like your style, Mr. Dawg.



Does anyone know the lead singers name in the band London?


Nadir D'Priest who is mexican btw :)


Nadir is still rocking these days. He has a MySpace page -check it out!


hey dude, Im the chick in the dance contest that flips off Nadir and London. They had put up a sign on the stage that had said "Skin to Win" and that's when I flipped him off. Then they put up the next sign, You get a Zero! Because I wouldn't be a total ho bag. Do you remember that? Well, I'm still frickin bitter!!!!!! :) Just kidding, I still look like the only one with inkling (just an inkling) of morals.
Those were some fun days, and thank you for saying we were hot. We were. I, in fact, was not even legal. I was 17.
Have a great day!


What was the song playing in the background?


What was the song playing in the background?


You're welcome. ;)
