MovieChat Forums > Dangerous Liaisons (1989) Discussion > Dangerous Liaisons vs Valmont vs Cruel I...

Dangerous Liaisons vs Valmont vs Cruel Intentions..

you decide..

Jesus would support Universal Health Care


Dangerous Liaisons
It had the best cast, the one of the film was the best for the story and no one has played Merteuill as great as a Glenn Close did. Stepehn frears mad the best desicion when he casted her and decied to bet on an actress who is not a classic beauty or a bombshell like Sharon Stone.

His risk totally paied off


I just found the DVD yesterday(packaged with "The Painted Veil," "Silk" and "Affairs Of The Necklace") for eight dollars in my supermarket, and wasn't about to leave it. I've always loved "Liaisons."

I've been watching it all morning, and the character of Cecile strikes me as a one-woman personification of the utter uselessness of abstinence-only sex education, regardless of what era of human history.

Some others have said that neither Close or Malkovich are exactly sex symbols, and they're right: but they are dangerous, certainly pleasing enough looking, and such folks rarely go wanting for sexual adventure. A male black widow spider rarely survives mating, but resisting the urge is just as futile. Close did not have to shake off every trace of the previous year's Alex Forrest to get into character here.

Men fall in love with what they see, and women fall in love with what they hear, which is why men lie, and women wear makeup. Malkovich's character seems to know this well enough, which is why his Valmont needn't be the finest male hunk in pre-Revolutionary France to score. He need only be malignantly effective at seduction, and he is.

I have seen all three films, the other two not in ages, and while I remember them as being quite good, only this one summons me back time and again.

- -
Truth is a hard master, and costly to serve, but it simplifies every problem.


Dangerously Asian was better


Didn't care for Valmont. But loved the other two.


They're all good but I think Cruel Intentions is the best, the characters are great (especially Valmont and Tourvel/Annette are the best) and it's a story that you wouldn't expect to work in modern times but does.


You've gotta be kidding.
Cruel Intentions is the high school dress up version. SMG can't act her way out of a paper bag.
Ryan Phillipe is only there for the butt shots.
Truly sophomoric.




DL 7/10
CI 6/10

haven't seen Valmont yet

so many movies, so little time
