Two bulls question

Two bulls are standing atop a mountain. The young one says to the old one, "Hey Pop, what say we run down and *beep* one of those cows?" The older one replies,"No son, let's walk down and *beep* em all."

I hate being dense but what was the point of his saying this?

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


Because,if you run,you will be out of breath(in this case,impatient).You will walk,because you wont be out of breath(in this case,patient). :)


The point is that when dealing with others, they will be more willing to cooperate with you if you're cool and calm with them (i.e. walk down to the cows.) As opposed to being needlessly aggressive and trying to intimidate them (i.e. run down to the cows.)


Okay, that makes more sense in context of the scenes it's said in. It always bugged me because Penn repeated it at the end to his new partner much like RObert Duvall told Penn when Penn was his new partner. The way Penn said it was in a I get it now tone. Except I never got what he finally figured out from Duvall's teachings.

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


Duvall was an experienced cop - had seen it all before.

Penn finally figured out Duvall's teachings after Duvall died. The experience had picked up and eventually seeing the gritty side of things made him understand the wisdom in the statement.

By then, Penns character had now been "around the blocs a few times" and was no longer a rookie - unlike his new, over exuberant partner


Yeah thats pretty much it. Him telling that joke to his new partner signified that "The student is now the master" kind of thing and I like how they did that.



If the bulls run down the hill they will scare off the cows and only get the slowest one in the heard. If they walk down the cows will be unaware of what's happening until it's too late. So while Penn wants to run down and screw one cow, Duvall understands that it takes patience to deal with the gang problem.


Carlyle-hicks1969 had the best explanation.


It's about being the Alpha male, you don't have to run for anything and you take all that you want...


That's about right.
It actually means that the older bull is not putting themselves out for or being dictated to by any one. They are doing it at their pace and their way.
Let's walk down. *beep* 'em all!

How does the man who drives the Snowplough get to work?



It is about being young and impatient vs older and wise.


No it isn't!
By the way, when I seen your user name I thought I'd developed dyslexia.

How does the man who drives the Snowplough get to work?


I think thats about right what he said above you.

As we all learn when we grow up is to be more patient which will grant you a better result in most cases than to run head first into situations which younger people more often do (myself included when i was younger).

Scout and be patient and you will understand the situation clearer than if you stress and run into the situation head first.

That applies to what was said earlier as well with scaring the cows away with running down.

"If only you could see what i've seen with your eyes"


No. Look at the last line " *beep* em all"!
It means he doesn't dance to anyones tune, he does it his way stuff everybody else



It is about being young and impatient vs older and wise.




It means if you run yourself ragged over a single cow (arrest), you have nothing left for the rest. You can't get them all unless you take your time.


Actually, I think you all missed at least part of the point. It's about showing who's boss.

The cows all know the bulls are the real authority anyway, but if the bulls show they have to run down and catch one or two to screw, it shows a lack of bravado and control.

But if they walk down there calmly, it shows they are in control.

Like the end scene, the new cop runs after the kids hanging out and they all scatter. But if he just got out and walked on over, as seen in many of the other scenes in this film, they just stay there.


You all missed it. The point is that Duvall wanted to *beep* Sean Penn in the ass.

It should be against the law to use "LOL" unless you really did LOL!


Every one of you missed the point..... This was in regards to McGavin being upset that Hodges has just let High top walk for that rock, so, point in hand, why chase after one bull, meaning why run after one crack dealer, that being high top) or walk and catch them all, get them all together, and not alert the rest that the police are watching and waiting to pounce


It has nothing to do with "showing who's boss". It's just another way of saying "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." It's pretty well demonstrated that people who have the power to do otherwise, will respond better to RESPECT than to intimidation.
