MovieChat Forums > Colors (1988) Discussion > Maria Conchita Alonso

Maria Conchita Alonso

Can someone please explain to me what her character was going in the bedroom with that guy when Sean Penn found her in lingerie? I mean, was she one of the bad guys? A deceitful bitch? Was she playing Sean? Why was she smiling at Sean Penn instead of being embarrassed or ashamed?


I thought it was because she was a prostitute.

Assassin, Lone Wolf & Cub.


because "This is the reallll me, PAC MAN!!"


"This is the reallll me, PAC MAN!!"


this is me too!!!!!!


She was just a regular hoe, that's all!


she was living a lie when she was with pacman. maybe for a instant she thought she could get away from the gang life. once pacman spray painted her family members face she relized that pacman is a jerk, and her true ties are with the gang members. she just never exposed that side of her to pacman until that moment. she saw that pacman was hurt, and she was gonna kick him when he's down.


Yeah, but she definitely regretted it at the end by the look on her face. Especially when he just ignored her. I'm actually glad they didn't have them become like a real couple.

And I don't think it was her banging someone else that surprised/upset him, it was her being with them at all. He just thought she was a chick who lived in the neighborhood.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


That is sad to see that she was that way in the movie.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!


That is sad to see that she was like that.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!


"This is the reallll me
I thought it was The Who that said that 😜


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I thought it was because she was a prostitute.
Why would she need to moonlight as a prostitute when she had a promising career as a burger flipper raking in $7.35 (in 2016 dollars) an hour?

BTW I'm being sarcastic.


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I guess you can say she was down with the 21 crew. That didn't make her a deceitful B or a ho. She may have been Larry's girl before she was Danny's. Most hood chicas have a neighborhood boy in their lives. She was a homegirl and it was what it was.


"I guess you can say she was down with the 21 crew. That didn't make her a deceitful B or a ho. She may have been Larry's girl before she was Danny's. Most hood chicas have a neighborhood boy in their lives. She was a homegirl and it was what it was."

This is the best answer on the thread. The OP is like "What was she doing in the room with that guy?" LMAO Really?

And that didn't make her a "Ho" per se, she could have been his girl (or one of) she tried to tell Pacman that she was 'of their world' earlier in the movie...but like most outsiders, he didn't want to see it that way.


She was angry at pac man for what he did to her brother. I dont know if you know it but pac man was racist. He hated it when he saw white women or hispanic women with black men. She picked up on it and rubbed it in his face.


Yeah, she did regret it later though, Pac man was truly hurt when he saw her with him though. Great scene.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


It wasn't really a race issue. It was just seeing his ex-girlfriend getting dressed after she finished banging another guy after they broke up a few days before.


I wanted her and Pac Man to be a couple. However, the differences were too great, especially with him being a cop and her being a "home girl". There would have been two much pressure from others on both sides.
Pac Man had some feelings for her, though. Still wish they could have made it.


Her character broke off the relationship before she slept with one of the gang members. The Sean Penn character had driven her away after he had mean spiritedly spray painted her cousin's face. I think her reaction to Sean Penn's character was his obvious disdain that she had slept with a Black man.

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Sometimes you gotta let a hood rat be a hood rat.


She may not have been a prostitue, but she was definitely an around the way hoe.


This scene was a bit confusing to me too. I know she was smiling because she wanted to hurt McGavin but the complete and utter mortification from McGavin made me wonder if there was more to his behavior. Was he just horrified to find her with another guy who was also a gang member? It seemed like he was embarrassed and didn't want anymore attention being brought to it with her crazy behavior. Like he'd be mortified if the other officers figured out she was his ex gf and she was just in the house banging a gang member, his pride would be hurt. It was a really tense scene.



Yeah! That scene personafies what men and women sometimes experience in their life. That the person you had feelings for is nothing more than a hoe that runs around with other people and they could care less about how you feel about it. That scene is actually pretty common, instead of people just admitting to who they are they hide behind a mask until the other truly finds out what they're really like.
