Finally a DVD date!

April 17, per Fox. I'll only fully believe it when I actually see it in the stores after all the twists and turns, but I just saw the packaging, tweaked the HD master a bit, and they all seem sure it's being sent out into the world.




This Aint No Fanboard!


very good news. thanks for sticking with it.


Up for pre-order at DDD for $8.71.


Hey Keith,

I just watched the interview you did for the Jaws 2 DVD, yet I never realized you were the guy that directed this film. I've liked The Choclate War since I saw it on VHS years ago, it's the one film that portrays the 80s as accurately as I can remember them, so it's always fun to watch. Are there going to be any running commentaries or other bonus features on the disk when it comes out?

Hey all, check out my photography projects at


That's great! I've already pre-ordered it on amazon and I congratulate Keith for all your hard work on getting this on DVD. I was just looking at the message boards and saw your message of a year ago announcing the possibility of a DVD release. Thank you so much!


Congratulations Keith.

I've been a fan of this movie since its VHS release. I still have a promo copy from those days and came here to see if a DVD was available.

Best of luck.


hey keith,

thanks a lot for posting on here and giving us the updates. I was just thinking about this movie late last night, right before I went to bed, and decided to check in on it.

I wish more of my favorite directors would actually post with the fans. I don't blame them in the end cuz the internet is full of people just trying to start a riot.

it's funny, as a kid who grew up in the 80s, i really loved the 80s teen genre. Still do. So many movies from that era were simply fun, with environments you wanted to live in and characters you wanted to know.

what i like about Chocolate War is that it is like an antithesis to the 80's teen genre, yet still has a certain 80's charm to it. kinda like listening to some SST Records stuff from the 80s. it's obviously a reaction to the mainstream, yet both represent their era very well.

and in reality, i relate much more to Chocolate War than to the happy, TnA filled teen comedies of the 80s.

anyways, thanks Keith for not disowning or forgetting this gem. And thanks for always keeping us in the loop. I plan on picking it up the day it comes out.



Great! Really want to see this again!



I too just checked it out on amazon and noticed it had the cover art up. Keith, did you have any say in the design or did somebody else in the marketing department handle it?

Either way, that's a pretty good cover. I was afraid it was gonna be modernized with crappy photoshop and floating heads. But i loved how the bulk of the cover is of the sky. Whenever I think about this film I always think of the dreary weather. Great job on the DVD case!


Yeah, it looks great. It's one of my favorite moments in the film and appropriately iconic. Can't wait to hear your commentary, Keith!


Wish I could take credit for the cover, but it was the marketing folks. I was really pleased
with it though. There was an earlier version when another company was
scheduled to put it out that I didn't like nearly as much (much more that 'floating head'
approach that's become so standard).

I don't know if they'll ever come here, so I'll pass on your comments to the marketing people. They probably don't hear much in the way of positive feedback from customers.


Hi Keith

I received the DVD today from amazon and I can't wait to watch it, and listen to your commentary!! Congratulations on your efforts!!

If there was ever a remake of The Chocolate War (which I don't think could ever be as good as yours), I'd like this dream cast:

Brother Leon...Jon Bon Jovi
Bill...The guy who plays the cleaner in Scrubs
Jenny Wright...Paris Hilton
Emile...The guy who plays Tony's son on The Sopranos
Archie...Jamie Kennedy
Brother Jacques...Danny De Vito


Im in Australia, any info on a release of the film on region 4?? i have been waiting for so long.


I haven't heard about a region 4 release but don't hold your breath:( My advice is that you should order the region 1 DVD from and buy a multi-region DVD.


And any info on a release of the film on region 2??

I live in France and the only films directed by Keith Gordon that we have on R2 dvd here are "Waking the dead" and "the singing detective".

I can't wait to see "the chocolate war"!!


Sorry to say I don't have any info on other region releases. I don't think the same people own the film rights outside the USA. (And it took several years to unknot the legal mess of who really owned them for North America!)

I'll try and see if I can find anything out...



Thank you Keith!

I really love "Waking the dead" and your performance in "Christine" was good!


I am interested to check it out. &
