MovieChat Forums > Celia Discussion > Some misunderstandings

Some misunderstandings

ian_ison's review addresses some of the misconceptions non-Australian viewers apparently have about this film. Here are few more remarks that struck me as worthy of a few words in response:

>> "the rabbit-proof fence that lent its name to the 2002 movie clearly didn't work in holding back the leporid plague"

There is no evidence for that in the film. The very first rabbits were introduced not far outside of Melbourne, where the film was set. The rabbit-proof fences were an attempt to slow the advance of rabbits further westward from, not to, the east coast.

>> And we have that crazy idea of the government that rabbits were pests."

Not a particularly crazy idea. Rabbits were introduced to Australia in the 1800's by foolish British aristocrats keen on a spot of shooting. In the absence of natural predators, they flourished, devastating countless acres of agricultural land. Their status as 'pests' is irrefutable.

>> young girl fantasizes about evil creatures ... while growing up in rural Australia.

Not a rural area at all. Just the suburbs of one of the largest cities, in the middle of the twentieth century. Including some tracts of industrial wasteland.
I suppose on a clear day you can see the class struggle from here.


Well said!

"The Opener of the Way is Waiting"
