Food on the shoulder?

I randomly thought of this scene a few days ago. I'm not sure if it was Chevy Chase in this movie where he's walking through the dining hall at the country club and pretends to pat a guy on the shoulder but instead leaves a sandwich on it and continues walking. I absolutely love that scene and haven't been able to find the clip anywhere. I'd prefer not to rent it because it is a terrible movie but scenes with Chevy Chase are the lone bright spots.



even absolute CRAP isn't always TOTAL crap.. I actually fished a copy of this out of the five dollar bin pretty much because I LOVE the scene with Randy Quaid talking about breaking into the rich guy's house with a "baseball bat"

Even crappy movies once in a while have their redeeming qualities.. for example.. the costume design in "Titanic" is FANTASTIC.. too bad the story, the acting.. the writing.. we're all so completely awful, but again.. taste is subjective.

