why the hell...

...do so many imdb posters like the aptly named dunce100 say this film is unintentionally funny? this is one of the most heartbreaking films about drug addiction ever made.


While there were some brilliant moments in this film, there were some that were horribly acted.

In particular the whole scene where Wood's friends visit the pregnant Sean Young and she falls down the stairs. I'm not saying that was funny, but it was poorly acted.


if you say so.


Also, the cut back to Woods and the old lady smoking a bowl while Sean Young is out with the screenwriter makes me laugh as does the character of Rochelle who becomes a complete bitch while on coke. Although I'm pretty sure the latter was intended to add a little bit of levity.


After a while the downfall becomes predictable in a funny way.

Woods/Lenny to his wife: "Max will never found us here!"

Guess who's the first person who is ringing the doorbell?


Because most people don't understand what drug addiction really looks like. For all it's faults, this film captures the mental landscape of an addict (denial, paranoia, grandiosity, blaming everything but the drugs for problems etc.)perfectly- which is why it is so disturbing and tragic.
