MovieChat Forums > The Blob (1988) Discussion > The original VHS box cover terrified me ...

The original VHS box cover terrified me as a kid

I will never forget the feeling of terror that I felt as a child when I would look at the VHS box cover for this movie... 1988.jpg

And then I remember turning the box over and getting even more scared of a screen shot of a mother screaming in horror as she held her young son in her arms. jpg



I don't recall being scared by it personally. I guess I was destined to be a horror film fan. As a kid I loved to walk down the horror aisle at my video store and look at all the unique VHS covers.

Funny story though, my oldest brother has told me many times the VHS cover of this movie gave him nightmares. My dad apparenty rented it eons ago. Believe it or not, I now own that very same copy. I bought it from the video store when they got rid of their VHS like ten years ago.


My videostore had a huge giant cardboard standup of that same cover art! Well, it must have been at least 8 feet tall but when you're 8, things seem bigger.


I actually prefer the original poster art. See below. ster_01.jpg


Wow.... I don't think I've seen that for 20 some years. It's creepy!


I was always intrigued that the still of the kid and the mom was from a scene not in the movie. I don't see how it COULD be in the movie as the kid is with his sister as soon as things start getting dangerous. Perhaps there was an alternate chain of events that was abandoned. Or maybe just a publicity still...


The still of the kid and his mom IS in the movie. That's a shot of their reaction to seeing the annoying deputy being snapped in half and devoured through the bookcase.


Thanks. I clearly need to watch it again.


I used to love freaking myself out walking through the horror isle as a kid.


It was crazy how those vhs box covers captured my imagination when I was very young....all the torture and unimaginable pain those people endured....I thought it was all real....goes to show how a child can percieve things that arent quite as bad when you actually watch the movie a few years later


I Loved walking down the horror section as a kid but yeah that blob remake box cover scared the crap out of me as a child.

Snootchie Bootchie


This one, and Scanners rt1.jpg used to terrify me
Gamertag: silentmark1138


I remember the Australian cover that had this image;

Fond memories of watching this fun remake with family and friends and I still enjoy it now! Terrific fun!

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."


That Australian one is also the French cover too. I think that would've been better than the posters the US version used.


I agree! :)

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."


Anyone know if the american VHS video cover is in the movie? Cause it looks like Paul but I'm not sure.

I'm A 32 Year Old I.T. Man Who Works In The Basement, Yes I Do The Whole Lonely Hearts Thing.


It's Paul.
