Siskel and Ebert

I just watched an archive on Siskel and Ebert and I can't believe they trashed this movie!! I have always enjoyed it and thought the performances were great and I was shocked to see how bad a review they gave it.


Well, remember the fact that The Shining was trashed by critics, but what did it matter in the end?


Critics are some funny folks sometimes
The critics said that the Wizard of Oz was unimaginative and boring.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken


This is really a underrated movie by people and critics, it is very well done and it seems like alot of people think it is some crap movie or something.

Don't ever call me a kubrick hater, or I will have my droogs beat you to death.


Yes, we aren't supposed to care what critics think, but...when it's two guys I really enjoyed watching all those years back, I was pretty insulted by their flimsy reasoning and distaste for this. Comparing it to hard-core stuff like Full Metal Jacket and Platoon was hardly accurate. This was a comedy, and was assembled like one. Sure, the film was made 40 years after these events took place, but BB had stuff that no 40s film could include. Language, racism, hookers. And gay issues are still used today for shock value! As far as the narration: it's a memoir! Excuse Simon for getting "winsome". Anyway...


If you like the movie thats all that matters really. I personally love this movie, it was way ahead of its time.

In A Mad World Only The Mad Are Sane - Akira Kurosawa


Actually the movie wasnt all that.. The character of Toomey was too easy going amd the entire movie was anti climactic.. Good writing though.. IMHO
