MovieChat Forums > Besökarna (1988) Discussion > How did they make the Demons steps Sound...

How did they make the Demons steps Soundeffect?

Does anyone know what kind of sound the Demons steps resimblence?
Something realy heavy seems to be dropped at something that creates a little tiny echo. That results in some form of a creepy, but still in the same way powerfull sound.

Does anyone have an idea? Thank you for your answers.

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.


I don't know, but would love to get that sound somehow and use it in a movie me and a friend plan on doing sometime soon. It's going to be pay homage to this great movie.

Summer Contest at the #1 Will Ferrell forum!


What part of the movie are you referring to? I just watched it again but never noticed any "demon steps". I'd love to hear that myself! I don't know how I could have not noticed it.

Anyway, it's great to know there are others out there who appreciate this great movie!

Take care,



Two parts, i think.
Im sure Allan is refering to steps, that are getting closer. In the scene where he and Frank are drinking. When he tells his story about the man, who alone wisited a Ghosthouse.

First is the scene of the start of the action, to the movies climax. Where Frank is sleeping next to hes children. Heavy sounds is hearing getting closer and closer. From the second floor, until he haves to fight against the Demon to keep the Door shut. No moore sounds after that, until the next time.
Second is in the final part of the showdown with the Demon. Frank is lying helpless, and watches the black door. When the same sounds getting even moore present then before. Where he awaits the Demon in absolute fear. The sound stops and you can for a second see the Demons face.

Extremely underrated movie. The mix of horror and comedy is brilliant, id say.

I donno. But if i may guess, it maybe reminds of heavy Wooden dropped on a floor. But with a fast repeated kinda echo? Wich make a hysterical double-sound.
Powerfull and horrific, in my opinion.

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.


"Frank is lying helpless, and watches the black door. " A bit of nerd fact, it's not a door actually, it's a mirror. It's where the demon hides during the day. If you watch closely you can see the glass of the mirror shatter when Frank leads the electric charge through his arm.

--- Therefore you will... KNARFTLE THE GARTHOK!!!


But if its hiding during the day then how come in that scene he can see it up in the window during the day?


It got the munchies and went downstairs for a sandwich.

--- Therefore you will... KNARFTLE THE GARTHOK!!!
