MovieChat Forums > Beaches (1989) Discussion > The reason Michael cheated Hillary.

The reason Michael cheated Hillary.

What do you think?
Hillary is beautiful and smart. People look at her.
She was a loving wife. Isn't she perfect?
What made Michael cheat her?
Is it connected to "buying a wrench" episode?


Why does anyone cheat is the real question


Yes people cheat their partners everywhere, and for thousand of years.
What I want to know is why in this particular case is.

The movie didn't show any hint. Or is there?



Maybe she married a man like her father (not that we saw him) and he was a pig? A lot of women seem to do that. She grew up motherless with a strict aunt so perhaps in her damaged emotions she subconsciously chose someone not-so-good.

The "buying a wrench thing," well she pulled that out of her butt so she would look like someone with something to do.

-- Leet.

~ Gíñä ®ïl€ÿ ¡§  GødÐes§! ~


Maybe she changed so much to fit the mold of what he wanted that he stopped be attracted to her.

Or, like others have said, maybe he was just a scuzzball. I mean, the guy did have sex with his wife and then shack up with his mistress in their home right after.


90% of women who cheat are unhappy]\\
90% of men who cheat are happy---they just think they deserve extra....
thats why womens' cheating is worse than mens'
cause it's destuctive to the social structure
and causes kids to have no health insurance...


this is a ridiculous and misigynistic post that does not relate to the post at all. also, if you use stats with no sources, no one believes your stats. in this case, i am sure it is probably not even true.


Whoa, I think you are right! 90% of men cheat because they think they deserve it strikes as close to truth. Some women who are victims of cheats just don't realize that as long as the man is uncaught, they are so much chattel-sex-toy unless the man gets caught, then they become the "go to girl"- which usually doesn't last long before the man moves on.


he cheated because he was a total *beep* and after getting everything he wanted became sadly bored of her.when you first met hilery she was fiesty and intresting and after her father died she married michael as her father linked him as the son that hilery wasn't ergo was grooming him for the company. she married him for that reason and became the perfect triphy wife at the expense of herself. michael in the mean time began to look for something else.

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


he cheated because he was a total *beep* and after getting everything he wanted became sadly bored of her.when you first met hilery she was fiesty and intresting and after her father died she married michael as her father linked him as the son that hilery wasn't ergo was grooming him for the company. she married him for that reason and became the perfect triphy wife at the expense of herself. michael in the mean time began to look for something else.

ITA. CC's comment to Hilary during their argument backs this up: "at least I belong to myself, which is more than I can say for you."


The major reason Hillary married him in the first place seemed to be because he came from a wealthy family, and it gave her dying father great pleasure to see them together before he passed. From the moment Hillary wrote that letter to CC, you knew it was not a good situation. Her big concern was pleasing Daddy, marrying someone with "good breeding", and doing what she thought a woman in her position should be doing - marrying a rich, successful man.

But Michael was pretty much a jerk from the beginning. He showed no interest in the things she wanted to do, he was sarcastic with CC and not very nice to her, and as we later found out, he was running around and cheating behind her back. I guess maybe in the end, he was looking for someone younger and, in his eyes at least, more attractive. Case in point, he was a loser who had no clue what he was giving up. I guess you can't really reason with people who would do that kind of thing in the first place.


He didn't even visit his kid on a regular basis.


Can't take a joke 😉😉


Can't take a joke 😉😉


What an idiotic, sexist pig of a thing to say! Adultery damages relationships and families - PERIOD ... no matter WHO has the affair.


He was a horny ass hole.


He knew her as an attorney during her father's illness so he I'm sure was attracted to that, and her, and her father's money. After they married it seemed her quitting stemmed from him, and not doing her passion she became a dull and boring wife. He got bored with that, didn't have much in common with her anymore, and found someone else.


I see. The reason of their marriage is because HE was attracted. By reading other posts, I start to feel that Hillary did not love him from the beginning. She just wanted to please her Father by marrying him so her Father thinks she would be safe.

I see many women who marries just by this kind of reason (to please someone, to feel safe, to get comfort. Not by Love.)

Hillary did not know what is love to her partner. Michael realized it and lost interest to her.
That is what I think now. I may see the movie again.


To an extent, it was an arranged marriage, like a business contract. There was no love or respect, especially on his part. She wanted to please her ailing father and he was a highly ambitious sleazeball who wanted to establish his career by taking advantage of her, until he got bored with her.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Jesus, why is it so hard to understand that this is not real life - this is a movie and that's a script and those are roles. Therefore, no speculations allowed. Only facts -or at least hints- from the script can be considered as reasons why "this happened" or "THAT happened" and so on.

Namely, no adequate hints were dropped in the specific movie, about "why he DID cheat on her". That's what the script simply aimed at : [u]to present us with a couple of women whose lives took turns and blows[/u] and even though the very relationships they shared took equal amounts of turns and blows, what was above all that, was the fact that they did remain friends till the end.

No facts were shown why he cheated. Couples can grow apart for a wide range of reasons and they do exactly so in almost all cases. The reason wasn't important (as it was considering "CC"'s case). What was important, was the result.


Budda,it is not hard to understand at all to see this is a movie - not a real life. Therefore it is free to everyone how to read the script (even for the directors) and movies (any arts) are to be open to interpretation.

I am interested how the others read why this American guy cheated her.
Every culture may offer different speculations which is interesting to me.
This is important ;)


The Big Bang, you're out of context. You're losing the big picture, the small picture - any kind of available picture. 'Cause when the subject is pictures, facts are the only thing that matters. But oh well.


We never find out why he cheated on her, and then left her pregnant, and married the Mistress.

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


It's simple. He was an ungrateful pig, who didn't appreciate what he had.


He cheated and left her for the same reason CC and John broke up. So the two women would be together, without the distraction of husbands, at the end of the movie.

I hated Hillary's husband, tho. He was a jerk off.

"I could have been killed, and you're drinkin'!"
