Better than GITS?

Anyone think this movie was better than Ghost in the Shell? I do and I was just wondering as it's by the same guy and all...

Just a thought.


I don't think this anime is better than the first GiTS. They are both based of manga of the same name written by Masamune Shirow. I do the think the Appleseed manga is better than the GiTS manga though. Go buy them.

knuck if you buck



It is true that the cast of GitS looks absolutely silly in the mangas. Batou acts like a retarded, Motoko is a world-class S.O.B. and Aramaki is such a freak! Hopefully, it's not the case in the films and the series.

Also, since movies don't allow much story development, I think it would be rather nice to have an Appleseed TV series following the concept of GitS SAC (Stand Alone Episodes, Complex Episodes). Deunan and Briareos are indeed interesting characters and there are so much possibilities in the manga for a TV show.


Appelseed TV series. That's a good idea. That new Appleseed (2004) kind of sucked. I do like the original 1984 movie alot.


Kusanagi is a full conversion cyborg not an android. there is a human brain and a few other fleshy bits in there. If I was going for full conversion I wouldn't want to look like I was just another human I would want people to know I was different.


In most ways, definitely.

Both films were great the first few times I watched them, both took a tumble once I'd had a chance to digest all that was going on.

With Appleseed, the biggest problem I have is that this really should have been a TV series. With a little trimming, the OAV would make a great 2nd or 3rd episode (after being properly introduced to the characters in the first ep.). Appleseed: the TV series has already been mentioned, ironically it was that thought which popped into my head and brought me back to this page (to look at my review again with a mind to altering it).

It's a shame :( Even if the characters weren't given much more detail, it would have at least been like the first series of Tank Police (where there's no great depth of character, but seeing the charas in so many situations means you begin to like them).

GITS, on the other hand, REALLY started to annoy me after the initial wow factor rubbed off. It's great for a few watches, looks the business and doesn't seem TOO slow. Then I tried to figure out why I had to force myself to put it in the player again, wasn't I enjoying this only a month or two ago?

The nudity fixation was embarassing, for a start, it dragged the film down to titilation when it was supposed to be something more than that. Even if hentai totty was on the menu, I couldn't think of a less sexually appealing character than 'Misery Guts' Motoko. Some characters you love to hate, some you just HATE. Throw in the lack of action through most of the film, the way it's so disjointed at times and the babbling about technology, boy was I selling that DVD. The Dept, the technology and the cityscape were all dandy, would've made nice little bonuses if the characters weren't so non-existent or just unlikeable.

So, yes I prefer Appleseed to Ghost, must update reviews :S

"You fools, you have earthed my wife's mother" - Rene Artois


You know, GitS movies AREN'T exactly action movies. They are philosophical movies with action.

So don't be surprise if there's more talking than fighting.


If the philosophy had been remotely worth viewing then it'd be different. Motoko whinging on and on about what it is to be human/alive isn't my idea of entertainment.

"You fools, you have earthed my wife's mother" - Rene Artois


i take it you didnt watch the dubbed version ??????


I found this one mediocore no way as good as the manga and GitS films.

"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." Lee Woo-jin (Oldboy)


GitS films were crap. The GitS series is where it's at.


The director of GITS, Mamoru Oshii, hates emotions. I'm convinced. I thought it was just GITS, but go watch Avalon, it's a live action movie with cyberpunk themes. It's so flat. The protagonist like... never emotes. Everything is on the same downbeat note.

What did you guys think of ExMachina and Alpha though? Assuming you've seen em.
