This movie was boring

I had high hopes for this movie. Colin Firth was in it and the plot sounded good. But it was so slow to get going. It was boring. The characters and the dialog were so unrealistic! A lot of the scenes just made me uncomfortable (for the actors). None of the characters were realistic in any way and the situations were totally implausible! His friend involved in the hunt for the serial killer gets suspicious of the roommate and what does she do?.... Oh, of course, she goes to confront him ALONE without telling anyone what she found out...and becomes the next victim. It's so contrived and the ends don't even justify the means. I was so bored but I kept watching thinking there would be a pay-off when all the loose-ends were tied up. But I was sorely disappointed. I did enjoy the creepy Psycho-esque twist at the end but there needed to be much more leading up to that.


I disagree with this, the characters being so over the top was what made it interesting, it was a parody of the over drama. The acting was very good and the plot predictable but the characters is what made it happening. And such an international building. I also thought the woman was going to see Colin Firth not to confront the killer alone


What I think makes a movie scary is how well it is grounded in reality and how easily the viewer can insert themself into the characters' places. In this case, I couldn't relate to anyone and couldn't believe any of what was going on. So, for me, it wasn't scary at all. I thought this movie was going to be more like The Tenant or The Sentinel. I enjoyed both of those films but was disappointed by this one. But, I'm glad that others have enjoyed it. I just had different expectations.


I didn't like this movie at all either. I had had high hopes for it, as I love indie atmospheric thrillers. But this was dull, way over the top, and ultimately had no surprise ending.
So the guy was surprise there.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


On a related note, I just watched a really disappointing atmospheric thriller: "The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh". It was so boring and I kept waiting for there to be a pay off but none came.
Then I watched "Pontypool" and was glued to the screen for the first 3/4 of the movie. It was really engrossing, but the ending left me a little disappointed.
