It's long overdue. Instead of constantly remaking the "classics" of horror that are already good enough to begin with, start looking at DTV films like AMERICAN GOTHIC for inspiration, and the take off the restraints. The kernels are already there, and films like these are in no way holy grails that will cause fans to scream sacrilege. There are hundreds of mid-level products like this one churned out in the 70's and into the VHS era that were designed solely to create shelf-fillers in video stores of the day, and to keep formerly name actors like Steiger and DeCarlo gainfully employed, their name recognition enough to guarantee presales. There are PLENTY of former "name" actors idly wasting their time in even WORSE DTV and TV fare these days, or worse, not working at all, who would be perfect stunt-casting in remakes of films like AMERICAN GOTHIC. We see this every time Tarantino makes a film; he resurrects faces we forgot we ever knew in small sidebar roles, and in the process usually resurrects their careers as a result. AMERICAN GOTHIC is FAR from a perfect horror movie, and it has virtually NO following to cry foul or compare a remake unfavourably to it, but at its core it's a solid, workable idea for a contemporary remake with some clever script enhancements and casting touches. But I suspect we'll see another "reboot" of FRIDAY THE 13TH or ELM STREET before we'd see modern horror filmmakers tackle something that ACTUALLY provides them with a little wiggle room to truly improve on the original.


How about NO


Hollyweird hasn't made a good remake since the 80's. As far as I'm concerned The Fly and John Carpenters The Things are some of the few exceptions to a great remake.
