MovieChat Forums > Akira (1988) Discussion > Akira a Secret Inspiration for Stranger ...

Akira a Secret Inspiration for Stranger Things?

If you've read the manga or at least seen the movie, there's a ton of similarities, and I don't think they're coincidences, I just think more people know The Goonies than they do Akira. Here's what I found:

A group of friends on bikes/motorcycles get caught up in a swirling plot

Rival gang who get's embarrassed or killed by the psychic (the school bullies/the clowns)

A friend in the group goes missing/kidnapped by the a mysterious monster or group (Will and Tetsuo)

A mysterious psychic character appears with a number on their arm/hand (11, and 28)

A government agency cultivating child psychics

A man in a suit from the government being like a father the psychic child/children and hunts them down for their return (Papa and Colonel)

The main boy falls in love with the girl who's a psychic (Kaneda and Kei/Will and 11)

A cop/merc goes on his own investigation (Chief Hopper and Ryu)

The correlation's of monsters and psychics (Tetsuo is a psychic and turns into a monster)

These are just a few that I noticed, although the child psychic stuff was the most stand out.


While it's certainly a possibility Stranger Things used Akira for influence, I just don't think that's the case.

Not to be mean, but most of these are not that similar. You're generalizing heavily to make them seem more similar than they actually are.

Stranger Things, by appearances, seems to just borrow heavily from Western influence. The really obvious influences are Spielberg, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, and Wes Craven.
